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Innovative technology for low-cost production of photovoltaic solar cells (SUNRISE)
Start date: Jul 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Photovoltaic (PV) solar energy provides a potential alternative to energy sources that produce CO2 emissions. Today, PV solar cells are produced primarily in four countries: Japan, China, USA, and Germany, with Japan having the largest share of global production, at nearly 40%. Reducing the manufacturing cost of PV solar cells and/or increasing the efficiency of their energy production process should help increase incentives for investment in PV solar cell manufacturing infrastructure. This in turn could lead to increased production of PV solar cells and greater use of PV solar cells, which would reduce CO2 emissions. Objectives The overall objective of the ‘SUNRISE’ LIFE project was to test the functionality and effectiveness of a highly innovative PV solar cell production technology. These tests aimed to demonstrate that the new approach is capable of significantly lowering production costs, increasing energy efficiency and so resulting in more environmentally-friendly final products. Comparisons would be made against state-of-the-art technology and the LIFE project targets include demonstrating the M2 technology’s ability to: Reduce energy payback time by 65%, compared with crystalline silicon; Reduce production costs per Watt by 90%, compared with amorphous silicon and by 60% compared with crystalline silicon; Create fully recyclable solar cells (i.e. 100% recyclable); Reduce the weight of PV cells by at least 50%, compared with crystalline silicon thin film solar cells; and Reduce packing and transportation volumes by at least 50%, compared with crystalline silicon thin film solar cells.Results of the project were anticipated to lower production costs, increase energy efficiency and promote the development of environmentally friendly products. Knowledge gained during the development of the new production system was anticipated to benefit numerous European companies and help increase the production of PV cells in Europe. Results The project has been closed prematurely, due to the beneficiary's bankruptcy.

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