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Innovative teachers - Motivated students
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our main objective by conducting this project activity will be improving language competences by using new teaching methods and tools, especially by means of ICT technology in order to motivate the students to study foreign languages, especially English, easily and to prepare them to be able to communicate; improving teacher's language competences as well as their skills by using new teaching methods and tools, especially by means of ICT technology; inter-cultural cooperation and more positive attitude towards the European projects and EU values; improved competences linked to the teacher's professional profiles and increased opportunities for professional and career development of teachers as well as of students. As far as the participants are concerned we plan to have 6 participants at most in this round, but later after the conducted dissemination that number will significantly increase. By attending the courses, we believe the teachers will gain the expected skills in acquiring new teaching methods and tools, especially by means of ICT technology, share the ideas with the other teachers at our school after the courses, as well as with the other cooperating teachers internationally. This will help for future cooperation and European mobility and cooperation. We expect the participants to improve language and IT skills, share best practices, ideas and materials between colleagues within the EU, international cooperation, acquire new techniques, ideas, sources of materials, improve teachers' mobility and to strengthen their professional profile. We hope that the courses will have positive and long-lasting effects on the participants involved, as well as on their students. There will be selection criteria set by the school organizational team. We will announce the project in the school and prepare a questionnaire. Each teacher eager to gain new knowledge and acquire new teaching methods, skills and techniques, as well as improve English language abilities, will be encouraged to apply. The ones who will meet the criteria will be selected. Probably it will be obligatory for the participants to have knowledge of English, since the courses are held in English language. All the participants will get a certificate of attendance as well as Europass Mobility Document by the ITC course provider. All the teachers interested in improving their professional profile and teaching methods will have the opportunity to fill in a questionnaire in which they can present their respective views on the training and select priority issues. The selected participants will be invited to read some material about the European Union. At the start of the course each teacher will get an assessment test by ITC that will measure their English language level according to the common European framework. The participants need the following: to improve language and IT skills, share best practices, ideas and materials between colleagues within the EU, international cooperation, acquire new techniques, ideas, sources of materials, improve teachers' mobility and to strengthen their professional profile. We hope that the courses will have positive and long-lasting effects on the trainees involved. This will also help organise EU/international projects; more attractive programmes for students, trainees and volunteers in line with their needs and expectations; improved qualifications of teaching and training staff; more effective activities for the benefit of local communities and integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities. After the course we plan to share the newly gained experience and knowledge with other teachers at out school. They will have workshops and seminars on the relevant topic they attended the course on. We will make a facebook group so that we can share practices and experience; We will also write the new techniques and methods in our web page. Further we plan to disseminate the project outcomes to the other teachers in our town, and if possibly wider, on the national and international level via virtual network. We will also use the newly acquired knowledge practically in classes. The students who will benefit from the use of the new techniques and teaching methods the teachers will apply, will share experience with the students from other schools. There will also be evaluation forms, to see whether we have achieved the goals set at the beginning. We will have evaluation forms at the end of each workshop/seminar for the teachers, but also for the students in order to see to what extent they are satisfied and find useful the new methods of teaching. We hope that the courses will improve teachers’ mobility; impose positive and long-lasting effects on the trainees involved; increase our capacity to cooperate on international level; encourage us of sharing best practices, ideas and materials between our colleagues within the EU
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