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Innovative PROcurement techniques to support the GRowth of competitiveness for public services in EASTern Europe (PROGR-EAST)
Start date: Jul 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The goal of the PROGR-EAST project is to encourage the use of Pre Commercial Procurement (PCP), in 5 targeted European Countries (PL, CZ, SK, HU and SL), taking into consideration the specific needs and constraints for public procurement and in particular for the procurement of R&D existing in Eastern Europe, introducing innovative PCP strategies to public authorities, universities and industrial stakeholders, transferring successful experiences implemented in other European and external regions to implement innovative public services. In particular the PROGR-EAST project is focused on PCP for eGovernment, and for other innovative on line services for citizens and business.In order to fulfil this goal the PROGR-EAST project will produce the following specific outcomes:i)\tan up-dated state of the art, including needs and constraints for the implementation of PCP in the 5 targeted countries;ii)\tidentification and description of the main PCP strategies and policies implemented in Europe and abroad (US, Asia);iii)\tawareness on PCP in each country through 5 workshops and 1 training event;iv)\t5 pilot actions to support PCP implementation in the targeted Countries;v)\tpolicy recommendations addressed to policy makers in the target Countries and at EU level;The final objective of PROGR-EAST is to create a long term sustainable network of public and private stakeholders able to support PCP strategies and policies in Eastern Europe, by providing a set of services and tools to increase their competences and initiate a platform to facilitate dialogue on PCP issues between European stakeholders.
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4 Partners Participants