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Innovative Lehrmethoden für den Französischunterricht für Anfänger bis MaturantInnen
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As a Secondary College for Occupations in the Service Industries and Tourism in Austria, we are obliged to our pupils to keep our teachers on the latest level. This project enables us to ensure a high quality of teaching at our institution and to enrich our curriculum with new international aspects, which can be gained by communicating with international teachers and by advanced training. Thus new and successful teaching methods and projects can be integrated in our school and will become part of a successful development of our school. The participant will also improve her abilities to organise activities and projects with partners from abroad and eTwinning will help her to keep in contact on an international basis, which may lead to interesting cooperations in the future. She will broaden her knowledge of the French culture and society, as well as brush up her language and develop her teaching skills, which will strongly enrich the lessons and our school. Our participant has repeatedly rendered outstanding services as a class mistress who has organised interesting projects with her pupils and a form teacher whose pupils have always delivered good performances at language competitions. Her ambition to be part of a lifelong learning experience shows her concern for the pupils to stay well informed and to pass on the latest tendencies concerning society, culture, language and teaching skills. Therefore her activities will not only focus on the French culture: society and leisure activities, media & music, advertising, development of the language, but also on new didactics and methodology, new teaching material, innovative teaching methods for grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, oral communication, testing, correcting, analysis and assessment, as well as on teaching with new technologies. The quality criteria are stipulated and will be controlled by the headmaster, the participant and the partner organisation. This includes an agreement of the partners on the relevant contents and the number of lessons of the advanced training. The necessary qualification of the teacher is checked by the headmaster and the partner organisation. There are strict rules concerning the participation in the course, which are required for the final certificate. The newly acquired knowledge of society and culture, as well as the improved language and teaching skills will help to motivate our pupils to learn a foreign language and to eventually also study abroad. New games for the lessons, the usage of new technologies and the Internet will help to create an interesting and varied learning environment and support the pupils. It is also our concern to support practical experience, which will be granted by a stay abroad, since it is much more effective to pass on something that has been experienced personally. This newly acquired knowledge will also be part of a sustainable development of our school subjects and the curriculum and thus ensure the quality of our school. The ability to communicate on an international basis will be improved and international cooperation will be boosted.
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1 Partners Participants