European Projects
Innovative Learning Approaches in Staff Training a..
Innovative Learning Approaches in Staff Training and Young Offenders' Employability Support - ILA Employability
Start date: Oct 1, 2014,
End date: Dec 31, 2016
Policy documents, research and practice bring solid proof that social exclusion and high levels of re-offending are very costly to communities, to States and to people themselves. Decision makers, researchers and practitioners agree that provision for education is one necessary and essential measure to be explored and encouraged, since education towards inclusion reduces youth re-offending, turns offenders from crime and into work, improves their skills and encourages them to lead productive lives in their communities.
The aim of this project is to support social inclusion and enhance youth employability by developing, implementing and promoting a TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT MODEL that is EVIDENCE BASED, INTEGRATED, DOUBLE-LAYERED and REPLICABLE to groups at risk other than young offenders.
It is an ambitious project, addressing three thematic relevant topics: i) new innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; ii) entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education; iii) youth unemployment
described by the following elements:
#100 young offenders to be engaged in employability education
# 20 young ex-offenders to be involved in blended mobility for youth validated by employers, transnationally and cross culturally
#140 educators from centres/prisons for young offenders to be trained to deliver employability education to young offenders through hands on & developmental events, including short term mobility
# innovative & replicable MODEL OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT developed, implemented and promoted as EVIDENCE BASED, INTEGRATED and DOUBLE-LAYERED instrument to approach inclusion through employability education to groups at risk
#educator training curricula & resources to enable adults working with offenders to tackle project based employability education
# Employability Challenge video-documentary to reflect the young ex- offenders experience during the blended youth mobility
# Guidelines as main instrument of replication, realised as longitudinal evidence based document that monitors the development and implementation of the MODEL OF TRAINING AND EVELOPEMENT FOR INCLUSION THROUGH EMPLOYABILITY
#5 partners from 5 Member States to bring recognised European know how and best practices in trans-disciplinary project
This project builds upon state of the art research and state of the play practices in the areas of (i) social inclusion through training, (ii) pedagogy of competence based education and labour market access through employability validation, both in the situated context of the applicant’s institution and at a European level and signals that policies should be evidence-based and that research and practice are embedded in each other.
The core activities of the project envisage:
(i) the DEVELOPMENT of ‘Model of evidence based, integrated, double layered training & development programme in employability for inclusion’
Act 2: realising research study - evidence collected for next activities
Act 3: curricula and resources designed for staff development supporting offenders with employability competences for inclusion
Act 5: developing training materials for young offenders – employability
(ii) the IMPLEMENTATION of ‘Model of evidence based, integrated, double layered training & development programme in employability for inclusion’
Act 4: staff training: classroom assistance and mobility
Act 6: running training programme for young offenders
Act 7: participation of trained ex –offenders in mobility/cross cultural validation of key competencies for employability
(iii) the MONITORING and PROMOTION of ‘Model of evidence based, integrated, double layered training & development programme
in employability for inclusion’
*Video documentary to capture experience of young ex-offenders, provisional title ‘Employability Challenge’.
Act 8: developing Guidelines for Employability as longitudinal exercise that monitors and critically presents the lessons learnt in developing and implementing the proposed model
This project seeks impact on quality of life, employability and inclusion of YOUTH, enhances and promotes partnerships between employment and learning and it is the result of cooperation for innovation to exchange good practices among the 5 European partners.
In conclusion, ILA Employability is a stately project, according to the two priorities assumed: promoting young people's social inclusion and well-being and developing partnerships between education and employment.