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Innovative educational programmes enhancing the environmental resources of the cross-border region Pelagonija/Florina (ZOO INNOVATIVA)

The overall objective of ZOO INOVATIVA is to contribute in the promotion and protection of environmental resources in the cross-border areas of Pelagonia and Florina, mainly through development and implementation of educational programmes and study visits in zoos, specific infrastructure interventions in the zoos in Bitola and Florina, preparation and delivery of trainings and workshops on environmental issues to volunteers and zoo employees and various project promotional actions.The above interventions will result in capacity building of stakeholders in relation to protection of biodiversity and supporting of the institutional capacities of the area for environmental improvement and protection. The project entails construction of modern zoo infrastructure in line with the EAZA (European association of Zoos and Aquaria) standards. Consequently, the zoo in Florina will be modernized and re-opened and the zoo in Bitola will be partly reconstructed. In addition, project actions will establish voluntary service in both zoos, aiming at providing the visitors and general target group with information on areas biodiversity.Projects target group is primarily the young people (students, pupils, children etc) and zoo employees. The communication outputs are consisted of: project web site, mass media publicity and promotion actions, dissemination of various visibility materials and delivery of grand opening events of the zoos in Bitola and Florina.

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4 Partners Participants