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Innovative Counseling and Teaching Strategies to Enhance the chances on labor market
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Amid the economic crisis and high unemployment rate on the labour market in Europe among young people, having an effect of reducing the chances of finding a job, there is a need of improvement, upgrade and transfer of key skills in teaching and vocational counselling, by using innovative strategies and effective practices for developing such professional guidance developing creativity and entrepreneurial skills of students, in order not to jeopardize the present, the chances of having a job or even the future. The project aims at improving key competences and skills in teaching and vocational counselling, for an innovative approach to teaching activities, to increase the quality of the educational process and to improve their chances of social integration and labour market to young people. The project is in line with the objectives and priorities of the Erasmus+ programme, contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in the field of education and vocational training (ET 2020) by improving the level of key competences and skills, increasing mobility opportunities for educational staff; improve the international status of the organization by intensifying transnational cooperation; increasing awareness of European space of learning throughout life; improvement of foreign language learning and intercultural dimension awareness; enhancing international dimension to education and vocational training by promoting coherence, transparency and skills recognition. Through this project CEIS ACTA will give participants the opportunity to exchange information and best practices, to develop linguistic skills, interpersonal relationship and digital, in the framework of a program with the appropriate identified needs. The specific objectives of the project are the following: -improving teaching competences by using differentiated strategies, student-centered in order to ensure equal opportunities and quality education -promotion of interactive techniques for improving vocational counselling and adaptation to various educational contexts -the development of digital competencies through the integration of ICT in teaching activities and professional advice -Promoting the use of means and methods of teaching, learning, e-Learning assessment and didactic multimedia -interpersonal communication skills, intercultural, social and linguistic skills as well as improvement and development of European citizenship The project responds to the need for training for 15 teachers trainer and vocational advisors from Oradea, but also from rural areas, EQF level 6, to use the most innovative teaching methods, e-Learning and multimedia teaching, but also for acquiring new communication techniques and professional orientation, by participating in an internship training of 7 days in the North West Academy, Londonderry, UK. This training and professional development through activities of improving and transfer in the field of teaching and professional orientation, will increase the quality of education and equal opportunities and will provide real European labour market integration of young people. The main results of the project: -increasing know-how, learning and applying best practices in the field of professional advisers -to promote the use of student-centered innovative teaching strategies -applying the new key competences and interpersonal communications acquired -innovative and improved ways to drive towards the target group through the use of e-Learning and media didactics -increasing the mobility of individuals for continuous professional training, to improve the quality and attractiveness of education -the creation of partnerships and networks of partners for future joint projects -improved image for each participant and for the organizations involved The project results will be capitalized and the long-term experience will be multiplied by: -Provision of more attractive programs according to the needs and expectations of the target group of the Association -professional quality training in order to equalize opportunities, through knowledge of the European educational system, as a model of good practice -online publication of the methodological guide and disseminate the results through organizing conferences/workshops to raise awareness of the persons concerned in the community -The change of mentalities, better motivation and as a consequence an improved career prospect -the creation of synergies and collaborations with organizations in the social field, education or employment. This mobility project work at the European level, aims to promote local education based on knowledge and cooperation.

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