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Innovative cooperation for social and work inclusion of young people.
Start date: Oct 24, 2016, End date: Oct 24, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is the result of a collaboration between three organizations from Programme Countries and Partner Countries. The Partners involved are the Nadbiskupijski centar za pastoral mladih ‘Ivan Pavao II’ - hereinafter NCM (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Ambasadoret e Paqes (Albania), and Caritas Italiana (Italy). Counting on a long-lasting collaboration, Consortium members want to go further short-terms meetings and exchages, being able to strengthen their specific competences and experiences, aligning them in a common shared vision, offering efficient and sustainable proposals to face specific needs and challenges of youngsters in their countries. The project aims at promoting social inclusion of youngsters in 3 countries through the implementation of Capacity Building and Mobility activities. This approach will enhance the synergies among them in non-formal education, promotion of voluntarism, and recognition of youth work, through trainings and meetings dedicated to the staff. The general aim will be reached by addressing specific objectives:(1) To deliver competences to youth allowing them to better identify and create occupational opportunities. The Consortium wants to contribute to improve the employability of young people, particularly those suffering vulnerable situations or with fewer opportunities.(2) To promote active citizenship among youth, as well as youth exchanges and intercultural experiences. The project offers to youngsters from 3 different countries the opportunity to meet each other and to share information, knowledge and best practices.(3) To increase the sense of responsibility and the environmental sensitiveness of the youngsters in their territories. Partner organizations intend to motivate youngsters to be active citizens by re-using abandoned spaces in creative and innovative ways, as well as actively taking care of the natural environment in depressed areas.The duration of two years guarantees a balance between the activities dedicated to capacitate the organizations, and the youth exchanges planned. Each year foresees the same set of activities, while exploring a specific topic consistent with specific goals. The first year, opening with a public event in BiH, addresses the creative re-use of abandoned or damaged spaces. Staff members involved attend a study visit of best practices and a training in Italy, providing them valuable instruments to manage other activities (Workshops in Schools, Awareness Raising Campaign, and Visits), including the Summer Youth exchange taking place in BiH. The second year, the same set of activities focuses on the protection of the environment through eco-tourism solutions, planning also a Summer Youth Exchange in Albania. The experience will be collected in a documentary, recorded during the 1st year, and to be broadcast in all three countries in the 2nd year in order to presents methodologies put in place, promote Erasmus+ Programme, and collect participants’ life stories.

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2 Partners Participants