"Innovative Control, Identification and Estimation.. (ICIEMSET)
"Innovative Control, Identification and Estimation Methodologies for Sustainable Energy Technologies"
Start date: Sep 1, 2010,
End date: Aug 31, 2013
"The aim of this project is to boost the knowledge, expertise and international contact-network of the young outgoing researcher in the field of systems and control, in order to foster his career and to support him in the development of stable, high-quality research and technology transfer activities at the return host, thus contributing to strengthen the research and development system at local, national and European levels. This aim will be pursued primarily via a structured three-years long program involving both theoretical and applicative, interdisciplinary research at the outgoing and return host organizations. Innovative robust control methodologies, able to cope with constrained, distributed and highly nonlinear processes, will be investigated during the two-years stay at the Center for Control, Dynamical systems and Computation of the University of California Santa Barbara, widely recognized as one of the world best research groups in this field. Such advanced control design techniques will be coupled with the innovative data-driven identification and estimation methods that the Complex Systems Modeling and Control group of Politecnico di Torino, the return host organization, has been investigating during the past 30 years, thus becoming a center of excellence in these topics. The expected theoretical outcome will be an organized set of methodologies that encompasses and links identification, estimation and control for complex uncertain systems. Among the numerous fields where such innovative techniques could be employed, the application to renewable and sustainable energy technologies will be pursued because of their actual critical importance, their relevance in the EU research roadmap and the personal interest of the researcher. In particular, the challenging problem of control of electric power grids that connect diverse kinds of generators and the breakthrough technology of high-altitude wind power using controlled airfoils will be deeply investigated."
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