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“Innovate traditions”
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Municipality of Baceno, through this project, aims to involve young people from 4 different countries (Italy, Spain, Estonia, Lituania) in comparing their views on the theme of new generations future in the European society and in the globalized world. The future is considered in the project as something to be creatively created by the youngsters by strengthening their consciousness about their own resources, and working on their capability to choose and pursuit a personal development path. We will ask to the youngsters to recount their future, to imagine what sort of adult they would like to became and what sort of society they would like to build all together. With the project activities, such as organized games, simulations, and theoretical confrontations, we want to highlight the relationship between new generations future, new generations creative resources and capabilitiesm abd our cultural roots. In fact the Youth exchange project is adressed to young people interested in developing some self employement chances through crafts, cultural, intergenerational coopeeration projects as well as in improving their community. Specifically the project will empower 24 young participants from 4 countries in valuing traditionas as a tool for social inclusion in the community. Most part of the exchange activities will be adressed to enable the yong people to find out ways to play an active role for the preservation of the cultural heritage. We want to push the young people who are sensitive to their traditions and to traditional hand craft to turn this passion in a self employability chance; through sharing of methods and practices in which they can value creativity, recovering of the ancient crafts in a resource to foster sustainable youth enterpreneurship. The youth exchange will be based also on the proposal and the sharing of some “do it yourself activities”; as well as some “Team work activities” to learn more about new ways of using materials and how to spread it around, to exchange ideas, and experiences with people who share common interests on the project topic. After the described work we would like to transfer the results of the comparison realized at theoretical level, through the creative language, in the frame of some artistic workshops (photo/video). The result of shared work should in fact lead to the creation of an original photo exhibition on the identified topic, aiming to sensitize other youngsters and the local community with a public event, wich will be organized at the end of the project. The work to raise the community awareness on the topic will continue after the end of the exchange, through the dissemination of the creative product.

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