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Innovaciones metodológicas en el entorno cultural europeo
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project presented aims at knowledge of alternative methodologies in another European country with excellent educational outcomes (such as Finland) for further adaptation and improvement of our classroom practices.The CEIP La Paz takes several courses research on innovative educational practices that can improve the teaching-learning process optimizing existing in our society material resources and human resources of our center. Based on a structured visit in Italy (unsubsidized) of a fellow center we were immersed in the methodology of Reggio Emilia schools. Following this faculty, it was formed by a conference supported by the CEFIRE of Alicante and a working group for the creation of materials was created. With all that big changes were evident: a new organization of the classroom in which new places and new structures were created classroom; an exploitation of human and material resources, involving companies close in donating our waste materials for reuse; It was formed to families in new educational practices from the parent school run by a social worker; Parents workshop for making light tables (common material in schools Reggio Emilia) was created; ...These changes have been produced by the knowledge of this new way of understanding education and our purpose is to continue growing as professionals and as an educational center for that to be reflected in our students. To do this we see the need to continue hearing first hand new educational systems (especially those with obvious success) and transmiting them back to the rest of teachers, families, other partners in the form of workshops or courses (in future not too distant) echoing further our progress in different media.With this type of program, our public school has the opportunity to continue their education beyond college, learning from other fellow teachers from other countries, other cultures, knotting small loops to establish contacts in order to profit much beyond the seven days of training. We hope to benefit from our European neighbors to improve quality step in our educational system.
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