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Innovación y plurilingüismo en San Viator
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

San Viator School in Madrid has designed a European School Development Plan which contains main internationalisation GOALS: - To train teachers' linguistic competence in order to improve CLIL methodology in English. - To raise the standards of methodologies and techniques for Content and Language Integrated Learning. - To foster research and innovative methods of teaching and learning, as well as to integrate these competences to our curriculum. - To encourage our teachers to promote the school's European dimension and internationalisation. These goals are based on our own multilingual project, granted by the Autonomous Community of Madrid, which includes Content and Language Integrated Learning. Furthermore, our School is implementing a process of PEDAGOGIC REFRESHMENT in order to include active methods of teaching. The cornerstone of the European School Development Plan focuses on THREE IMPROVEMENT AREAS: - Improvement of teachers' linguistic competence. Raise the level of linguistic competence in foreign languages. - Enhance innovative methods of teaching. As remarked in the School's Own Character document: "lifelong training and creativity are required to teachers so as to respond to didactic demands, to the use of technological approaches and efficient educative resources. They are to be complete professionals with a good sense of teamwork and to look for efficiency in teaching." - Develop the School's European and international dimension. In order to achieve the goals of the School Development Plan, we will apply for TEN teachers to be TRAINED within a period of two years. Four teachers from the First or Second Cycle of Primary Education (6-8 years old) will be trained in methodologies and techniques for CLIL learning, four from the Third Cycle (8-12 years old) or Early Childhood Education (3-6 years old) will combine the acquisition of innovative methods of teaching and learning with the possibility of visiting as a shadow teacher certain schools and two more will be trained to improve their command of English as a foreign language. The selection of participants will be performed by a committee of five people from different status regarding an objective and public process. Our goal is to provide our teachers with resources to implement new and innovative methods of teaching applied not only to CLIL learning but also to the teaching of English as a foreign language. We require from the teachers who apply to take part in this training, a desire to learn and to participate actively in the activity with the aim of bringing into the classroom the new techniques and approaches. Criteria such as command of English language, being immersed in CLIL teaching or willing to be, availability for innovative projects, possibility of carrying out pedagogic refreshement, age, etc... will be valued in the selection. These experiences will have an IMPACT on different levels: - The participants will have to prove having raised their level of English language by means of achieving a higher level certificate. (B2-C1,etc). Acquiring higher skills will impact the students' learning possitively. - The impact will also be clear on the school as a whole as far as CLIL lessons are concerned. On the one hand, the process of teaching -and learning will be more appealing to students and, on the other hand, it will satisfy the families and the whole educative community. - In the SHORT TERM, the outcomes will materialise in the creation of a CLIL department, which brings together the participants in the mobility activities. - DISSEMINATION activities will also take place in order to foster the impact of the outcomes of the project. For instance: opening doors events, participation in teachers meetings to share our experience, posting these experiences on the school's foreign languages blog and on the school's webpage, by using Twinspace and eTwinning, we will share these experiencies in the FERE national magazine, also at the meetings with headmasters of the schools in the area, and with principals of the other San Viator schools in Spain. In the LONG TERM we wish that our school, with this kind of initiatives and others such as participation in linguistic exchanges, strategic partnerships in KA2, becomes a place where students can accomplish an awareness of European citizenship as well as a broad mind open to innovative experiencies.

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