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Innovación educativa: Plurilingüismo e integración.
Start date: Dec 18, 2014, End date: Dec 17, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Being placed in one of the most economically depressed areas in Spain, IES Acci is a high school specialized in pupils at risk of early school leaving, social exclusion and minorities. It offers Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Higher Education (grade 5), with 906 students and 76 teachers. Our school shows some valuable features that deserve to be kept and some weaknesses which should be improved by investing hard work and resources on them. Fighting successfully against early school leaving and truancy, increasing the number of students following post-compulsory and higher education, together with our Bilingual, ICT and Quality Projects, IES Acci high school has become a school able to manage the resources at its disposal and able to contribute to the fulfillment of the general Erasmus+ program objectives. IES Acci needs, for his management team and group leaders , to provide new and best practice experiences about bilingual projects, student at school leaving and social exclusion risks in other European countries, and increase and renew the needed contacts for its international program. IES Acci teachers have a long experience learning and working bilingually and with students and minorities at risk of early school leaving and social exclusion. However, we still need to have contact with good practices in other countries and update our knowledge and CLIL methodology in the next too years. IES Acci is increasing both its bilingual and plurulingual offer and, in the next two years, it is going to receive new teachers in need of training in CLIL methodology, updating their contact with foreign cultures and reviewing the use of the language they are going to use in classroom We consider that the experience, dedication and management skills shown by our high school, together with the evaluation tools we have prepared, will ensure the success of the mobility project that we are applying for.
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