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Innovaatilised praktikad ja järjepidevus vanglahariduse edendamisel
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Tallinn Construction School has been an European Prison Education Association (EPEA) member since 2010 and taken a direction towards becoming the role model and leading competence center in developing vocational education in prisons - in Estonia in general. Currently there are no courses that meet specialists’ and teachers’ needs in Estonia - one of the main opportunities for self-improvement are trainings, job shadowing, courses and conferences held in Europe.The goal of the mobility project was to acquire knowledge and experience in order to organize innovations in education in prison facilities and with them to get by job shadowing activity acquainted with the arrangement of education system in Belgia, to gain knowledge and experience in organizing educational processes in prisons and through the new knowledge put the positive European experience into practice to lead education (both organizational and content parts) to a more innovative, modern level.The participants of the project were prison educators of Tallinn Construction School who are directly engaged in teaching or organizing - planning and leading vocational education process among inmates in prison. The project included 2 activities: 1) Attendance in European Prison Education Association (EPEA) training conference by one specialist. The conference provided participants from all Europe countries with opportunities to learn from one another, to showcase their work, develop new ideas and thinking that will feed into their professional development. It was possibility to facilitate prison education practitioners; providers and policy makers to explore innovative developments as well as best practice, research findings and new project and program strategies. The conference workshops provided an opportunity for networking and the sharing ideas and experiences among those working in prison education in Europe. The key speeches and the workshops were carried out by the best specialists in the area of the prison education in Europe. 2) Job shadowing in the Taxandria cvo Turnhout in Belgia by 3 specialists. The hosting strategic partner was the Taxandria cvo Turnhout, who is a competent partner thanks to its long - standing experience in organizing teaching in prisons in Belgia. In order to reach the project’s goals, main topics in which the participants consider the need for acquiring knowledge and experience in, were agreed and discussed with the hosting partner and the participants.The main working language of the mobilities was English, thus the participants got a good possibility to use and develop their working English.The participants also got acquainted with the sights, culture, nature and people of Belgia.The value of trainings was invaluable:The knowledge and practical experiences from prison education conference are very valuable and contribute to giving an European dimension to our organization. We are using and passed along the best materials, knowledge and experience gained during the conference to our colleagues in our organization as well as to other educators working in all the fields of prison education in Estonia. The information gathered during the mobilities, also all the obtained materials are announced to all organizations in the same field in the form of presentations and articles by email and during Estonian prison education seminar day also to the staff of all the organizations, connected with prison education in Estonia. Also we shared our experiences that might be of interest and of value to others, i.e. to European colleagues participating in that conference: we composed the booklet for presenting experience of our school and other schools/prisons in Estonia in the field of arranging education in prisons.Taking part on EPEA conference and job shadowing made it possible for us to establish new contacts for cooperation with colleagues from other European countries. This is great opportunity to new projects of cooperation in prison education field for our school. All the participants of the mobility project were given Europass Mobility documents or/and the certificates of participation given by the hosting partner.

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