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Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: May 29, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The commercial sector faces great challenges for the future. Small business requires training and research that is more appropriate to its specific needs. The sector needs support from the public administration in order to continue its activity, which is currently endangered by the aggressive expansion of large retail outlets, and the different parties involved should work together more. The problems of adaptation that the sector faces are serious, as are the consequences. It should not be forgotten that trade can help to integrate urban areas. If there is no trade, there will no longer be town centres and, if there is no activity, towns will cease to exist. In this context, this project aims to provide the necessary tools to small traders to prevent them from losing commercial activity and to increase their competitiveness. Overall objective / Objectif général The main objective is to strengthen competitiveness in a major sector for job creation while contributing to land planning for urban areas and for town centres. Since different regions have different objectives, we have a lot to learn from each other. The INTERREG IIIC programme in the South zone should provide added impetus to commerce. Another important objective is to involve different institutions and organisations in this common project in which inter-regional cooperation is a key element. Expected results / Résultats attendus Two methodologies will be used to analyse supply and demand for trade as well as innovative elements. Moreover, about ten surveys will be conducted on both regional and local levels in order to make comparisons and reach joint conclusions. Two documents will be drawn up for submission to Brussels to explain the needs of the commercial sector: Innovation in commercial training, and a Guide to Good Practices. Five pilot projects will be set up in Toulouse, Carrefour Liguria, Alicante, Murcia and TCM Brussels, and an association for innovation in commerce will be created.
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  • 63.5%   603 267,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC South
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants