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Inklusive Bildungssysteme in der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung im internationalen Vergleich
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In order to enforce the UN rules for disabled people, it is necessary to implement school development in the area of inclusion. For that purpose a change in the “Erziehungs- und Unterrichtsgesetz” (BayEUG, school law) was necessary which was published on August 1, 2011. Schools are expected to come up with an inclusive education and training programme which can be used as a basis for individual teaching for all pupils. This change in the education sector can only take place gently and gradually. In addition to that, a school experiment was introduced (Inklusive berufliche Bildung in Bayern – inclusive vocational education in Bavaria) focusing on selected vocational schools that cooperated with special schools for disabled people. The challenges involved are on the one hand a further development of existing vocational schools and on the other hand an adaptation of teaching methods as well as supporting the pupils in order to come to terms with the changes. Management and headmasters of schools have to adapt the structure of their organizations, staffing and local school premises in accordance with school inspection to the altered situation that quite often disabled people need. Moreover, teachers at vocational schools are facing new challenges. The growing number of pupils with individual needs, for example extra teaching time, leads to both a change in supporting pupils and an adaptation of teaching methods focused on individual work with these pupils. A great number of teachers feel insecure with that because these tasks were not sufficiently covered during their teacher training and they feel not well prepared. Personnel Manager and instructors in companies are facing the same challenges in the field of organization that come with enforcing the UN-convention. Without persistent and dynamic development of strategies, analytical tools for organizations as well as changes in the company’s mission, firms will not be able to following the gradual increasing requirements in the middle and long term. Thus, there is a high training demand for school inspectors, headmasters, and teachers as well as trainers and personnel managers in various companies. For that purpose two one week trainings with 20 participants of the above mentioned target group were allowed to gain valuable insights into the inclusive system of Italy. They had the option to both, exchange ideas and learn new aspects regarding the areas mentioned above. Furthermore they developed their personal skills further. By getting to know a different educational system that integrates disabled pupils, they will gain new insights which will widen their personal horizon. Italy has a well-established inclusive school system with disabled pupils taking part in regular classes and was therefore well suited for the exchange. In Italy all pupils – with or without a special need for individual teaching – have been taught in the same schools for over 30 years. Special schools or schools for disabled pupils are not in existence anymore. Educational organizations are compelled to accept all pupils and offer them appropriate equipment for learning. Since this system is perfectly established at the regional vocational school Savoy in Meran, it was the objective of this project to organize a specific training. Participants should exchange ideas, learn from each other, get to know the specific different educational and inclusive systems that in- or exclude disabled pupils and, most of all, gain relevant knowledge for the daily work of Bavarian and Italian teachers. In addition, they acquired intercultural competence because of the different backgrounds of participants and presenters. The following programme was planned: - introduction to the legal framework as well as the educational vocational systems in both countries; discussion - from a school environment to a work situation – report and discussion with a former pupil with down-syndrome - presentation of the system of learning assistance for disabled pupils - observing lessons at the partner school - guided tour through a hotel which employs disabled people Whether the knowledge and experience gained after participating in the project are realized on an every-day basis is going to be evaluated after some time. In a first step, the aim is to implement an inclusion tutor at every vocational school and business school in the county Upper Palatinate and to define their tasks as well as further steps to do. The project weeks were therefore an activity within a frame work that has the aim to support all participants to cope with the changing challenges in the future. To what extent the gained knowledge and competences can be adapted in the daily work of the teachers will be evaluated in one of the next meetings of the inclusion tutors.

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