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Initier et accompagner des projets innovants en langue vivante
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The new primary school curriculum says that Foreign languages must be studied from CP onwardsThe Reference European Common Frame has been a common tool used by both primary and secondary schools since 2002.Despite this, pupils and teachers both remain persuaded that they are unable to speak English fluently and therefore don't settle many international exchanges.How can we help them?How can we give them back a more confident attitude leaning upon the new curriculum to be settled, focusing especially upon the new Cycle 3? That is the foreign languages group challenge. Its members also wish to answer a proposal from the DAREIC to establish links with Scotttish schools.In order to be able to succeed in its plans the group decided to improve its means of action by attending a specific course opened to trainers 'teams.The group chose a session suggested byy International Study programmes in Scotland which is made of lectures and schools visitsto know better the Scottish educational, meetings with key persons in this environment to work upon the positive assesssment process and how to cope with special needs pupils. Meetings with persons in charge of the young trainees are also planned. This program being opened to teachers from other European countries, it will be an opportunity to establish links with some other European schools and to work upon other ways to consider assessment in order to impulse positive assessment and convince French teachers that it could be a good way to make the pupils grow more confident. The chosen ways to communicate during the session and after will lean upon digital technology: tablets,e-Twinning order to improve everyone's skills for each to be able to send them back to the schools teams .The group planned to open this training session to the different persons in charge of teacher training in the area: generalist pedagogical advisers, specialized pedagogical advisers, inspector in charge of languages , school training teachers, one teacher of English much involved in European schools links in order to impulse projects between primary and secondary schools and a tarining school headteacher to reinforce the link with the French teachers training institute (ESPE).This project will go from the first term of school year 2015 to the third term of school year 2017 with a mobility session in Scotland in February 2017.
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