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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This course 2015-2016 our CPEIPS Don Bosco Center participates in the Erasmus project +, where we intend to for students to interact and get the motivation and overcoming problems such as: level of languages, self-esteem, job search training, autonomy, social relations. Internships in companies abroad by our students is a very enriching experience and will help improve the quality of education so that our students get a higher qualification, improve language skills in the language in which the program develops, increase the opportunities of access to the labour market both in Spain and abroad and the possibilities of promotion improve the motivation of students, allowing them to know the culture of the surrounding countries.In addition, these mobility projects offer opportunities and incentives to acquire new competences linked to the needs of our Center. Erasmus will attract a greater number of students for the competitive advantage that offer this type of program to other centres that do not have it. On the other hand, the non-participation in this program could lead to a decrease in the number of students enrolled. We have chosen to participate in mobility with students of vocational training of average degree of commercial activities, for the accomplishment of practices in companies abroad.The first objective of our institution is to work directly with companies in which students can do internships. The company's activity must correspond to studies. Company and studies must belong to the same occupational sector. We must therefore make sure that the student can be your training program.The main objectives of our mobility activities are: 1) increased levels of training. • Reduce churn school • develop students abilities and skills which facilitate their labour integration • show students the importance of lifelong learning. (2) improve quality • update knowledge and skills in training professional • understand and apply new methodologies, custom and attention focused on the integration of all students in the Group. 3) develop a sense of belonging to the EU and international cooperation. • Increase the bilingual materials in professional modules (CLIL) • encourage to make mobility and projects of international cooperation the most important objectives of our programme will be:-help students to adapt to the needs of the European labour market. -Allow students to develop competences specific, including the language, and that they broaden their knowledge on the economic and social culture of the host country while gaining work experience. -Promote cooperation between institutes and companies. -Contribute to the development of a group of highly qualified young people with breadth of vision and international experience as future professionals.As regards the selection of students will be held by the Center a fair and transparent selection process by applying principles of equality, merit and ability and advertising. All documented. It will take into account their academic record, the level English or Italian in his case and other aspects as motivation, responsibility, autonomy, maturity, character, ease of relationship, optimism, lack of assistance, behavior a constant, fast, smooth and effective communication with students is the success of the mobility guarantee, why create a blog that we serve to make the monitoring and evaluation of the FCT of students abroad. This blog will be hung on the website of the Centre through which tasks (such as the weekly part of activities) that students be made and sent to the guardian for its monitoring and evaluation will be raised.The blog will prepare students for mobility, will foster the use of ICT in the FP, increase the interest of students for the realization of the FCT in Europe, will provide a common space of communication between teachers and students, accompany students on the distance, allowing effective communication with students. It will also contain a meeting forum where students and teachers will intervene for the approach and resolution of doubts. Other forms of follow-up will be skype, email, different platforms, as well as the use of social networks. The Organization of international mobility is divided into tasks by the Executive team, Coordinator/tutor Erasmus, Secretary, Manager and language teachers. Participation in the Erasmus programme is of fundamental importance to our Center, considering the offer of a modern and effective education.

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