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Individuelle Förderung im Pflegeunterricht
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Job shadowing with the school IES SANTA BÁRBARA in Málaga, Spain on the topic “individual support of care students”. The topic of individual support of students is becoming more and more important in a changing learning environment. Especially teaching care, one has to pay special attention to the needs of each student because there are students with different educational backgrounds and of different ages. The aim of this job shadowing was to get to know knew methods of individual support in the classroom as well as methods to integrate students with special needs. We hoped to gain new ideas and knowledge about teaching methods to enhance our teaching competences and to be able to revise school curricula and lesson plans (from fields of instruction to competences). We would like to evaluate our current educational concept and aim more at individual support. In the future there will be more and more care apprentices with a migration background. They also need individual assistance. Because of that and in regard to the internationalization of professions and mobilities in the job market, bilingual teaching plays an important role. At the same time we (German and Spanish teachers) wanted to use the opportunity and talk about possible future projects that we could work on. Five teachers were involved in the programme. They teach care, geriatric care, geriatric psychiatry, educational science of work, economics, and languages. Also our vice-principal and Head of Care Department took part. All teachers involved are very experienced and have either taken part in some other European projects or are willing to participate in such a European project. All teachers will include the aims and outcomes of such a European project into their further qualification (and of their colleagues) and in their teaching methods. During the mobility we focused on: individual support and inclusion, training of healthcare assistants, possibilities of bilingual teaching, visits to care institutions, discussion about future projects. - German teachers sat in on Spanish teachers‘ classes (mobilization, geriatric care and nursing, geriatric psychiatry), focus on individual support. - Special attention to teaching hearing impaired students. - The Spanish colleagues showed possibilities of individual support of care apprentices in practical training. - Evaluation of the lessons visited. - Opportunity to talk to headmaster, head of care department. - Opportunity to visit students at care institutions - Developing of ideas about how bilingual care teaching (CLIL) could be made possible in Spain and Germany. - Gathering of ideas about future European projects (e.g. job shadowing, internships for care students abroad). - Visit to different care institutions (hospitals) and monitoring of students who were doing internships there. We expected and achieved these results: - more professionalized teaching methods because of training on individual support - social competences because participating teachers worked in international teams, ability to feel empathy - cultural and intercultural competences: teachers strengthened their intercultural competences because of working together with Spanish colleagues and because they got to know the Spanish training system (European recognition and equality of professions). Teachers also developed a better understanding for their own culture and habits. - transnational understanding for apprenticeships in care and for the European job market - higher motivation for work and happiness in the job - better understanding and open-mindedness towards individual needs of students - motivation to create a modern and professional environment, i.e. to carry out new teaching methods and to reach higher quality in teaching In the long run knowledge gained through this job shadowing experience should influence the work on curricula (to combine fields of instruction, include European values into care apprenticeships). The colleagues that participated in this project will be integrated in the education of apprentices with a migration background and in the individual support of all students. We expect the participation in this job shadowing project to have a long and positive effect on our teaching methods and to have a positive influence not only on individual teachers but also on the school and the region and on life in Europe. Teachers who wanted to participate were selected in a transparent procedure by the headmistress and the Erasmus coordinator. Participating teachers received educational and cultural training. Evaluation was carried out through interviews and questionnaires.
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