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"Individuelle Förderung - eine Herausforderung für Schulen in einem zusammenwachsenden Europa"
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PROJECT BACKGROUND: The Louis-Baare-Berufskolleg is a vocational college where students complete their traineeships or obtain general educational qualifications. As a so-called "European School" and “School of Individual Student Support” we try to help our students to gain the new skills and competences they need in an increasingly integrated Europe. As teachers we face the new challenges in the field of education and labour market, which we want to tackle together with our partner schools in Poland and Turkey.OUR GOALS:In our project, we intend to improve the measures of individual student support practiced at our schools in order to enhance the skills and opportunities of our students. For this purpose, an educational concept should be developed which includes an inventory, a comparison, optimization and extension of the student support measures at the participating schools in Germany, Poland and Turkey. Through a transnational project implementation, we expect new, innovative insights for our educational work. Together with the participating students we want to consider how we can support them individually at acquiring new skills. The students taking part in the transnational project will get the opportunity to improve their skills as well as their cultural and political awareness.PARTICIPANTS:In order to carry out the project, an organizational and technical support and participation of many teachers, the school administration and the numerous students of the partner schools will be necessary. In the transnational project meetings the number of participants is limited to 5 teachers and in the student activity part to 5 students and 2 tutors per participating school. This should enable the 4 participating schools an effective cooperation and organization of the meetings.PROJECT ACTIVITIES:1) We compare the School Laws of the individual countries and the EU regulations concerning the individual student support requirements. This will take place during the transnational exchange meetings of teachers through:- workshops- presentations / exchange of experiences and already practiced measures- discussions of similarities/differences and possible improvement options2) The students consider the topic of individual support and determine what they criticize and appreciate in their own school systems, what the priorities concerning their educational and labour market opportunities are and what measures of individual student support can help them.The following instruments are available:A. surveyB. photos and short films about the school day, which can be presented to the students of the partner schoolsC. student personal contacts and exchange (e-twinning)D. implementation of a transnational project "School made by students for students", i. e. a student vision of an ideal school, with a presentation using PowerPoint / Word / posters etc.PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION:The project implementation requires an intensive introductory phase, which will take place at the individual partner schools as well as a comprehensive exchange and cooperation. The transnational project meetings will enable a personal, direct exchange, gaining new expertise and insights we can implement in our educational work. The next step is a thorough evaluation of the outcomes of our work and sharing them with all involved and interested groups and institutions.PROJECT RESULTS/EFFECTS and LONG-TERM BENEFITS:The project results will be first evaluated by the respective partner schools, then the interim and final results of each project module will be published on the homepage/e-twinning platform (Twin-Space). The printed and digital publications of project documentation, reports, photographs, short films, survey and survey results, PowerPoint presentations etc. will be provided. The long-term benefit is expressed by the acquisition of new expertise about European educational systems, new skills and requirements and how to support them individually. Moreover our goal is the revision and extension of the measures of individual student support and thus increasing the educational and labour market opportunities of our students. We hope to establish sustainable school partnerships, considering that one of our partner schools has gained no, or very little, international experience so far.
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3 Partners Participants