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Increasing international impact in teaching
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Noretkolans goal is to improve the process of internationalization of teaching at the school.In summary, the following areas Noretskolan wants to develop with the help of their mobility project :¤ To raise staff and school leaders' skills in internationalization efforts, in accordance with our national and international policy documents, for it to have a greater impact in the teaching and broaden the educational working methods.¤ To develop the international / European dimension by effective cooperation with European schools, so that it becomes a natural part of teaching for teachers and students.¤ To develop students' ability to put things in a European / global perspective, eg employment, sustainable development, integration, inclusion, mobility, language and communication.¤ To increase the students and staff understanding of other cultures, to increase understanding and tolerance of other people and their way of life.¤ Through training increase student achievement in basic skills, Mathematics, science and reading (basics skills).The participants in the mobility project and also the priority target group are teachers and school leaders. Participants who goes abroad on the mobilities will be given a mission to be mentor for other staff at the school. This means that they will be bringing their experience and knowledge, so that it will benifit to school activities .Our mobility project will include a mix of courses and job shadowing, this is to get a wide range of new skills that we can use in our school improvement in the area of internationalization.Noretskolan will during and after the project to organize internal workshops and various forms as well as structured evaluations. This in order to spread knowledge of our business and to follow up our mobility project work. At the end of the project the goal is that Noretskolan will have a plan for how internationalization work will be conducted at the school and that the knowledge level have raised among all employees regarding internationalization efforts.Noretskolanl wants to spread the knowledge of their project work in several different ways and to different target groups. The target groups are teachers, students, parents, principals and politicians. The arrangements for dissemination Noretskolan will include: information on our schools website and the municipality's intranet, external targeted workshops, information sessions, school blog, and meeting with pliticians in charge for education at Mora municipality.
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