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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aims and Objectives of the project: Due to the increasing concern over environment and need for environment responsive business professionals, education for social and environmental management accounting has become an emerging imperative. It represents a major shift in the way students are taught and learn within the higher education sector and requires a broader and innovative approach to teaching and researching of the subject matter. The aim of this project is to raise awareness among young people about environmental management accounting and giving them the skills to put environmental accounting into practice. It places priority on the development of environmental management accounting literacy as a core competence among undergraduate students. It aims to identify good practice in approaches to teaching and curriculum development and embed environmental management accounting in institutional teaching and learning strategies. Objectives: • To share knowledge, experience and best practices on the education of social and environmental accounting • To design innovative teaching materials including case studies, videos and e-book • To provide teachers with the fundamentals and latest developments in social and environmental accounting and build skills for using technology for teaching • To promote industry-specific and comparative research and publication in social and environmental management accounting • To strengthen inter-institutional cooperation at the international level • To improve labor mobility of accounting students between the EU and non EU • To identify emerging environmental accounting trends and prepare students for changes in the professional business environment Project partners and their responsibilities/roles: exchange of good practice; theoretical module guide and educational material development; module quality evaluation; dissemination of project results; research and presentation of environmental accounting research findings. Results of the project: 1.Improved knowledge of the participants on the social accounting and environmental management accounting; 2. Good practices identified and improved teaching practices and learning outcomes implemented; 3. Theoretical module guide and educational material developed; 4. Primer for social and environmental acounting is prepared for assessment of students' awareness on environmental issues. 5.One English textbook will be produced. 6. This course textbook willl be translated into Turkish and Slovene language to increase dissemination effect. So 2 books will be added as output. 7. Pilot program (course of SEMA in University of Maribor and Gediz University) implemented; 8. New social and environmental accounting module fully developed and offered through partner institutions; 9. All projects results and outcomes disseminated to stakeholders in the EU and non-EU areas; 10. Videos with animations and slides will be prepared as additional teaching material for course textbook. 11. Plans for future inter-institutional cooperation at the international level set. Project impacts and long term benefits 1. Accounting students from both institutions better prepared for emerging trends in the marketplace, improving employability in students’ home country and abroad. Upon successful completion of this subject, students will be able to explain the role of social and environmental accounting within the contexts of sustainability, responsibility and accountabilityhey will be able to outline the connections between social and environmental accounting and business ethics and they can compare and contrast the social and environmental accounting bases of triple-bottom line reporting, the balanced scorecard They can critically evaluate social and environmental accounting disclosures. 2. Environmental accounting learning materials that are free to access by students, academics, teachers and all interested parties; 3. Improved cross-cultural communication and collaboration between EU and non-EU institutions and increased capacity to conduct research and work at the EU / International level; 4. Contributing research to the growing and increasingly important field of social and environmental accounting, with the added benefit of examining salient differences between each institution’s home economy; 5. Providing an education that focuses on ethical practices centered around long term growth rather than short term gains.
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