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Increased competencies for VET students by means of European placements
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project INCREASED COMPETENCIES FOR VET STUDENTS BY MEANS OF EUROPEAN PLACEMENTS is proposed by the educational Consortium VET Vest+, an interregional consortium constituted by the LTTA Arieşeni as a coordinator of the consortium together with four other schools belonging to different regions:Technical College ‘Ioan Ciordaş’ from Beiuş, Technological High School ‘Grigore Moisil’ from Deva and Technological Forestry High School from Cîmpeni. Our foreign partner is EPM-AFPDM,a professional association constituted within the Escola Profesional de Montijo which is the host organization. EPM-AFPDM has signed partnership agreements with ten restaurants as pre-service training organizations. The aim of this project is to develop the students’ key competences for a better transaction on the employment market through transnational motilities in order to consolidate the relationships between the Romanian VET organizations from our country and the foreign economic agents. The project is addressed to students that are in the first stage of professional training in the VET schools,a number of 85 students, 70 from rural area, belonging to the unprivileged social groups that were strongly affected by the economic crises.These students are trained in the technological domain, having as a specific profile the field of services and the field of qualification ‘technician in gastronomy’ and ,Waiter, sales, clerk in food units'. Up to now, they have acquired general knowledge and the basic skills . The 85 students involved in this project , 50 from X grade and 35 from the second year of the vocational school,will cover through a transnational mobility the programe of the CDL: ,Increased competences in the activities of preparing and serving meals and drinks ,module applied to all four schools and achieve all or part of key competences Teamwork and Transition from school to work place. The specific aims of this project are: -85 students will develop their key skills and up to a level that will prepare them for the active life and encourage them to continue their studies to obtain higher qualification levels. -85 learners will practice and improve their specific skills for the training field through professional activities in a European framework-Portugal - in order to facilitate their integration on the international labour market over two years, after graduation. -85 students accumulate transversal skills, linguistic, cultural and social skills in a different frame than that of school, in the real context of practicing the profession for which they are trained and digital competences in the context of individual reporting activities. - VET West + Consortium maintains a network of sustainable partnerships between the educational institutions, professional associations from other countries for providing new opportunities for mobility till 2020. The main activities of this project are the training activities of the students at the workplace and the activities of evaluating and auto-evaluating the results of the trainees and the level of training as reported to the requests of an actual workplace. The training activities are carried out in the presence of the placement tutor from the restaurant who explains, demonstrates and supervises the performance of the trainee.During this type of activities, the trainees collaborate with the members of the team in order to accomplish their tasks related to the establishment of the necessary raw materials according to the recipes, to obtain simple meals or precooked food, to adjust the mis-en-place for different types of meals, to meet and welcome the guests, to apply the protocol rules. The activities of initial, continuous and final assessment are carried out in front the training tutor from the restaurant and the placement tutor from the EPM-AFPDM. The project relies on a methodology that is in conformity with OMECT4931/2008 and the Erasmus+ program; the students will follow the training internship of the Romanian curriculum within a transnational mobility. The results of training will be evaluated and validated abroad and recognized in the country by virtue of the Europass Mobility Document. Expected results: -85 students with good professional, multilingual and digital skills who will know how to work in team and who will carry out a good transition from school to work -the improvement of the quality of services offered by schools -the improvement of the transnational relationships of the organizations The impact is the reduction of the absenteeism and of the school dropout,the improvement of the degree of insertion on the employment market and to improve the capacity of schools to operate international agreements. The long term benefit is the additional value added to the educational offer by means of projects,the capacity to ensure the sustainability in the community,in the region and within the students’ recruitment area.
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