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Inclusive Preschool for Kid - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Preschool education is considered to be crucial part of education system not only doe to the development of basic skills / knowledge of child but mainly because fact that at this stage it is possible to develop child's learning skills which child uses in whole life for gaining education, being part of society and development of his-self. Therefore it is very important to provide conditions without stress for gaining this experience and interest of child to all three above mentioned qualities. Still preschools quite often place care as more important part then education of ECEC (Key data on ECEC in Europe, 2014) especially for age until 3 years. That raises problem that education children receive in preschool is adapted to majority of children and does not always respects uniqueness of child's skills. In this issue perception in one of the most used tool of child in educational process. Perception types generally are divided in three groups - visual perception (well understands visual information), audial perception (well understands information provided in audial type) and kinesthetic perception (well understands information through taste, smell, touch, etc.). If the pedagogue can find the form to use perception of child in learning process it becomes more interesting to child, usually leads to better results and still keeps the possibility to socialize children in groups by presenting their differences as advantage. STherefore project is targeted to provide full strategy and methodology of VAK (visualist, audialist and kinesthetic) concept adapted for preschool learner. There have been set three objectives to be reached within the project: 1. To develop detailed methodology from testing until educational process result evaluation that respects preschool pupil individuality in learning process and is useful for educational process carried out by preschool pedagogues. 2. To develop and provide wide range of tools for pedagogue that can be easily implemented in educational process and provide assistance to pedagogue in teaching Nature Science as most complex and diverse preschool subject. 3. To contribute with valuable recommendations parents who are crucial party of preschool age pupil learning skills developers. The project partnership involves 4 partners - preschools from Latvia, Estonia, Romania and Turkey. The project foresees intellectual outputs (VAK concept based manual for pedagogues, toolbox for Nature Sciences teaching at preschool, parents handbook development and testing module for children) as well as dissemination events and short-term specialized learning activities for partners staff. There are 4 main methodological approaches that leads to project results: I Research, Analysis and Discussions are used to develop intellectual outputs. II Mobilities for short-term learning provides opportunity to have intensive exchange of experience and common knowledge share about specific contents of project. III Panel discussions and debates are methodological tools to be used at project final conference for pedagogues. IV Intercommunicative lectures are used for masterclasses . The project general results are the intellectual outputs of project that unites several tools / approaches based on VAK concept. The project intellectual outputs are: - manual for preschool pedagogue for using VAK methodology in educational process at preschool; - toolbox of set of 400 Nature Science tasks and implementation recommendations - all based on VAK concept and useful in preschool three different age stages; - VAK testing and profiling tool to determine child perception type; - handbook for parents about VAK concept use and practical arrangements of educational process at home. To provide these results partners will also have: - two short-term learning activities about parent support systems / programs and innovative forms of teaching Nature Sciences; - four dissemination events - international conference and three masterclasses on national level. The long term beneficiaries of project are children attending preschool because successful implementation of VAK concept may lead to better educational achievements. It also has significant impact to development of learning skills and raising competence and teaching skills of preschool pedagogues.

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