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Inclusion of the elderly with visual deficiency by e-technology

Elderly people nowadays have a strong interest in participating actively in workingprocesses and in social life. That requires their continuous learning concerningchanging needs at work places and current social conditions. However, growing ageoften goes with a declining visual acuity and restricted eyesight (low vision) that mayobstruct people in their usual activities.The core objectives of the project are to promote elderly people’s participation in sociallife and in lifelong learning, mediated by modern information technology with specialrespect to a declining visual faculty with ageing. The project will promote accessibleinternet based communication that is barrier-free for people with low vision and oldpeoples networks. The topics within the networks will cover daily living skills for peoplewho are visually deficient or even impaired, low vision consulting service and usage ofNew Media for the supply of information, e-government and social communication.The output of the project will be accessible learning content that is especially designedfor the needs of the elderly with visual deficiencies, local and transnational socialnetworks for elderly people supported by internet mediated communication via anelectronic platform that is accessible for people with visual deficiencies and thatmediates e-learning modules which meet the individual needs of the elderly.

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