European Projects
Include Me in Employment
Include Me in Employment
Start date: Sep 1, 2012,
"Include me in Employment" has the aim to increase the employability of young people in Europe through tailored inclusive volunteering programmes, through training of 26 youth workers to develop and implement inclusive volunteering programmes that would lead to enhancement of young people’s employability. specific objectives are: to understand volunteering as a powerful tool for inclusion, empowerment and personal development of young people;to increase ability to asses competencies of young people and develop programmes that would build up on their existing ones and develop ones missing for future employment;to develop skills for matching needs of young people and job markets;to develop a base of competencies for implementation and facilitation of inclusive programmes;to publishing online “Manual for employable volunteering programmes” to be available for wider youth worker community.The non-formal education approach will be used and will allow flexibility to participants needs and stages of group development. The focus will be on learning through experience, self-directed learning and learning to learn, which will allow participants to become responsible for their own personal development.The project will have 4 phases that would be implemented jointly with all partners: preparation phase, including logistics preparation and selection of participants; on-line preparation of participants, residential training course taking place in December 2012; on-line follow up phase, including production of Manual and evaluation and follow up phase.Participants for this training course will come from partner (both SEE and EECA) and programme countries (EU and candidate countries): Albania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Latvia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine.