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Improvisation and creativity - the cornerstone of music education Improvizācija un radošums - viens no mūzikas izglītības pamatakmeņiem
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the framework of the project "Improvisation and creativity – cornerstone of music education" 4 students from JIRMV (Jana Ivanova Rezekne Music School) will participate in an experience exchange in Italy, and 8 teachers – in Portugal. The project will be implemented from 1 June 2016 to 31 May 2017. During this period, the following project activities will be implemented: the JIRMV professional subjects teachers and students will have an opportunity to take part in exchange; the selection of participants will be carried out; the preparation of project participants; co-operation with the partner to provide high-quality exchange and practice for students; participant evaluation; recognition of knowledge and skills, the dissemination of the achieved results in the national and international level.The most important objective of the project - participation of the students in the lessons of two Italian music schools, learning musical improvisation skills, application of information technology in music; teachers' participation in the observation of lessons, in master classes; visits to music institutions, introduction to traditional Portuguese fado – all of which aims at introducing improvisational skills and methods into the learning process of JIRMV as well as to see the culture education system and the culture sector offer in Portugal.Long term goal of the project is to promote competitiveness and international cooperation of JIRMV in order to provide quality culture education, to promote the development of new talents, who then successfully enter the labour market and create professional culture products.Short-term goal of the project is to provide experience exchange and practice for 8 teachers and 4 students in Portugal and Italy, in order to – on the basis of acquired skills and competences – provide new educational programmes for JIRMV, as well as to develop JIRMV curriculum, by establishing culture education competence centre. By learning improvisation techniques in the Italian music schools, students will be perfecting their professional skills of academic music learning.Portugal was chosen as the exchange destination for the teachers because of the fado tradition, which is based on musical skills that have not been used in the training process in Latvia - improvisation, vocal and singing with accompaniment of string instrument. The acquired competencies will be used for creation of a new education programme - etnojazz, as well as to involve education programme managers and teachers in organisation of international competitions and events, to provide personal growth opportunities for teachers and students and improve skills, by establishing culture education competence centre. Italy is the birthplace of the academic and ancient music with compelling professional traditions of music training. The result of the project: 4 students will undergo practice in two music schools of Italy in the academic field of music, each student in their curriculum - music theory, vocal, traditional music and strings.Gains of the project are the development of a new education program - jazz and popular music with the specialisation in etnojazz and the experience exchange for teachers in 2 Portuguese schools, Porto concert hall and in the association of fado musicians, acquiring improvisation methods. Students will have new experience in the academic music field and intercultural communication. The following results are expected: 1) 2 presentations – 8 teachers and 4 students will present the lessons learned, experiences, best practice examples from Italian and Portuguese schools, including improvisation advice and experience; 2) a new education programme in jazz and popular music with a specialisation in etnojazz, applying the improvisation experience.After the exchange the project participants will receive certificates from a partner organization who will provide the exchange in schools in Italy and Portugal, and will take care of the practical side, as well as the project implementing party together with the partner will issue a Europass Mobility document.The project will help the project participants (teachers and students of JIRMV) to improve their international awareness and to develop the European dimension in terms of thinking and attitudes, as well as acceptance of other societies and music styles, which is essential now when the two Rezekne culture education establishments plan to merge into the competence centre.Teacher competences can be considered complete, if they are complemented by awareness of other cultures, the ability to analyse and organise international cooperation in teachers' level. The project will motivate both, teachers and students to acquire more knowledge, strive for quality, to improve professionally and personally. Such opportunities increase self-confidence, belief that one can reach the desired level and that one isn’t actually far from it, only work and motivation is needed.
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