Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 2, 2016, End date: Sep 1, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IES Alonso Pérez Díaz is a public secondary school located on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands. Our position of double insularity along with the current economic crisis that is affecting Spain has lead to our people having to introduce this training and so increase their chance of employment. The project presented aims to give our students vocational training and the opportunity to undertake a stay outside of our country, which will enrich them, not just personally, but also on an academic level. Thus increasing their employment possibilities and the opportunity for them to forge a future career outside of our borders. Those students to whom this project is targeted are those of the health branch or more specifically the intermediate cycles of ‘Auxiliary Nursing Care’ and the ‘Emergency Health Technician’ programmes. As health professionals they are subject to continuous training, avoiding their knowledge becoming stagnant and not progressing.Because of this we feel the need to opt for a project of this scale, which enriches the environment for our students with new technologies, techniques and innovations that are developed in other countries. The total number of students eligible for this offer is 16, split between both cycles. Amongst them we have 5 students from the Health Technician cycle and 8 students from the Auxiliary Nursing cycle who will develop part of their FCT during their stay. Along with 2 recent auxiliary nursing technician graduates and 1 health care technician graduate. The intended objectives are to strengthen the knowledge during the cycle, to learn about a new culture and language, to be more professionally competitive and finally acquire a job placement.Furthermore, the project aims to internationalise our faculty, offering 3 opportunities for teaching staff to ‘job-shadow’ in the health sector of foreign companies. We hope that this activity will increase the training of our staff since the objective is that the participating teachers learn and assimilate new professional techniques, and study how to apply them in our teaching. Taking into account our limited experience in such projects, the country chosen for the student to stay is Italy. For teaching staff we have chosen Italy, the United Kingdom and Germany. Our goal is to expand, in future announcements, our options to countries leading in the field of science such as those aforementioned. During the initial phase of the development of the stay, students and the recent graduates will have to also undertake the course provided on the OLS platform. a series of linguistic activities proposed by the Department of foreign languages of our Centre, with whom we will be co-ordinating for this purpose. On the other hand, we consider it necessary that prior to the completion of the foreign stay, students perform part of their FCT period in businesses on the island. With regards to monitoring the participants, we will establish an online exchange of information through email, Whatsapp and Skype between the tutors of the FTC at the receiving centre and those at the origin. As well as with the tutor responsible for monitoring the recent graduates and the co-ordination of European projects at our centre. It is expected that students complete their stay to the best of their ability and upon their return will fully share their experiences as well as those new techniques and new knowledge acquired during this period. In addition, the great autonomy that the student will acquire during their stay, being away from their family and being forced to communicate in a foreign language, is another value to take into account. With regards to staff training we hope to discover and understand new ways of working as well as new activities of teaching and learning which will be useful to apply to our centre. In terms of impact, we believe that this project will allow us to motivate all of those students on our island whom, for one reason or another, cannot picture their formal, higher level education completed, in such a way that they find our cycles to be motivating and rewarding with training that provides real working opportunities. For IES Alonso Pérez Díaz this initiative will be a big step forward in its internationalisation and in the improvement in the quality of its education.

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