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Improving wintering conditions for Branta ruficollis at Techirghiol (Branta ruficollis Techirghiol)
Start date: Jul 1, 2004, End date: Dec 31, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Lake Techirghiol is located on the Black Sea coast, 15 km south of Constanta, occupying an ancient marine gulf, at present separated from the sea by a narrow belt of sand. It is a key winter roosting site for the red-breasted goose (Branta ruficollis), one of the rarest goose species in the world, included in Annex I of the Birds Directive and considered a priority for LIFE funding. Branta ruficollis nests in tundra and currently 80-90% of birds winter at five roosting sites on the Black Sea, in Bulgaria and Romania, including Lake Techirghiol, where on average 11 800 individuals (13.4 % of the world population) are concentrated in January. The brackish water conditions at this lake are of vital importance for geese during the coldest months of the winter because it is the only wetland area in the region that does not freeze. The population is vulnerable in the wintering area and the main threats that require urgent action are: hunting and disturbance from other human activities at roosting sites and feeding grounds; deterioration of the key roosting sites; and poor availability of food resources during the coldest winter months. Objectives The project aimed to maintain and protect the Branta ruficollis population at Lake Techirghiol and its vicinity, including the designation of the lake as a Special Protection Area. Farming 30 ha with winter wheat and maize would ensure suitable feeding conditions on wintering grounds. The brackish water conditions would be maintained by ensuring an effective and efficient evacuation of the freshwater from the lake. Lobbying would be undertaken to increase penalties for deliberate poisoning of feeding geese. Hunters would be given training courses to reduce incidences of accidental shooting of Branta ruficollis when flying in mixed flocks with Anser albifrons (a huntable species). A National Action Plan would be prepared to guarantee long-term conservation of the species in the wintering area in Romania and conservation efforts will be co-ordinated with other countries by organising an international workshop. A comprehensive monitoring programme will provide information on presence and population size of the species, water quality, water levels and potential changes of land use in the wintering area. Public awareness will be raised both at a local and national level and there will be a wide dissemination of project results. Results The project’s overall goal of ensuring maximum protected status for Branta ruficollis and its habitats was achieved with the designation of Lake Techirghiol and the surrounding area as a Ramsar site and SPA. A new management plan was also put in place for the species and habitats. However, the aim of maintaining the population of red-breasted geese at no less than 15 000 individuals constantly present in January in the key area from south Dobrogea was only partially achieved. At Techirghiol Lake the number of geese during the projects wintering seasons was much smaller than previous years. The potential causes of this could be the wider dispersion of the geese in the wintering area (climate change) or a reduction of population. Partial achievements of objectives were secured by the following actions: Degradation of roosting habitat stopped (salinity maintained in the lake thanks to the installation of a gravitational evacuation system, which collects the freshwater from the western part of the lake and evacuates it into the sea; Safe feeding conditions ensured on 27.7 ha of purchased land (the target was 30 ha); Raised awareness of local stakeholders of the importance of Lake Techirghiol for the protection of B. ruficollis population and for the sustainable development of the area; National and international cooperation to protect one of the rarest geese species in the world and to secure its future in the wintering, staging and breeding area. Thanks to the Red-breasted Goose International Working Group, a National Action Plan for B. ruficollis was put in place in Romania and the existing International Species Action Plan was revised and updated. Drafts of National Work Plans for Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine were also drawn up. Agro-environmental schemes were established with local farmers, which involved land lease and purchase. To encourage eco-tourism, a bird-watching tower was built. The main socio-economic benefit came from the installation of the gravitational evacuation system to maintain the lake's salinity. This system ensures the continued production of the famous Techirghiol therapeutic mud, which is one of the local community’s most valuable assets. Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report (see "Read more" section).

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