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Improving transparency of Europen Sports Coach Education

European Network for Sport Science Education and Employment (ENSSEE) started the project Aligning a European Higher Education Structure in Sport Science (AEHESIS) in 2003. The dissemination of the project took place in Rio Maior, Portugal in September of 2007. At the dissemination meeting over 35 national, and international organisations and agencies signed a letter of intent to use the outcome of the AEHESIS project as a reference point to align the national coaching education structure. Sweden has no national structure for coach education. In our country it is up to each individual national sport organisation to create a structure of their own. The Swedish sport confederation now has 22 national federations that are interested in creating a common structure for coach education. AEHESIS has aligned the European Qualification Framework (EQF) with the coach education structure. It is therefore the purpose of this project to apply the knowledge of AEHESIS project and the work that has been done in Denmark and Hungary to create a Swedish coach education structure that is harmonized with EQF and AEHESIS reference points. The aims are 1)To improve transparency and recognintion of qualifications and competencies, including those aquired through non-formal and informal learning 2)To facilitate the development of a coach education structure for Sweden. 3)To improve the quality and increase the volume of co-operation between institutions, sport confederations (both national and regional) and national sport federations. In order to facilitate the process two partnerships will be created. At the international level there will be a partnership between the Danish sport confederation, Semmelweiss University in Hungary, the Swedish sport confederation and Malmö Univeristy. These organisations are both (Denmark and Sweden) at the top of the sportshierarchy in the respective countries, and involved in sport science educational (Semmelweiss and Malmö University) at the national level. Also Malmö University has a long experience in the Bologna process, which is foundational for proposed project. The tangible outcomes of the project are a swedish coach education structure applicable to all sports within the swedish sport confederation. At process of assessment and validation of formal, informal and nonformal education, both future and past. The intangible outcomes are improved sporting experience for 1.500.000 people from Denmark, Hungary and Sweden. Also a clearer pathway to employment within the coaching profession in the above mentioned three countries

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