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Improving Teaching Methods For Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "ImTeaM4EU (Improving Teaching Methods for Europe)" is focused on strengthening the competence of teachers in different teaching institutions in terms of using appropriate methods while teaching European Key Competences (defined by LLL). Thus the effect will be a contribution to improving European teacher training both in the field of initial and in-service training. The project will develop strategies and materials that support teachers in improving their teaching methods of chosen key competences being the basis of a knowledge based and modern European society. In accordance with the individual experience and expertise of the partner institutions the focus of the project is set on the following key competences for primary and secondary students (age of 6-18): communication in the mother tongue and in foreign languages, mathematical competence and competences in science and technology including ecological competence, social and civic competences. The goal of "ImTeaM4EU" is the qualification of teachers in initial training or their training on the job in order to encourage and enable them to use topical themes in a hands-on-learning approach in their lessons. Such lessons particularly support learning competences of students focusing on Europe. The improvement of such a general "European Competence" prepares young people for living and working in Europe, not least with regard to "at-risk-students". As educators’ competences are crucial for any learning process, the teachers need to be supported in the process of teaching European topics and the defined key competences in a differentiating, motivating and sustainable manner. The project partners have indicated an obvious demand and need for action. Regardless of the fact that European contents and the teaching of European key competences have been established in the curricula of several European countries, teachers still too often have deficiencies regarding their didactic-methodological repertoire to serve the students' needs. Therefore, "ImTeaM4EU" contributes to the improvement of the quality and efficiency of general education and training. A total number of 11 partners will participate in the project: Governmental institutions: 1) Ministry of Education of North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany (as the coordinator); Teacher education and training institutions: 2) Teacher education Centre Düsseldorf (ZfsL), Germany - main focus: social and citizens' competence; 3) University of Maribor, Department of German as a second language, Slovenia - main focus: foreign language teaching; 4) Kopernicus University of Torun, Poland - main focus: social and citizens' competence; Schools: 5) Osnovna sola Janka Glazerja Ruse, Slovenia - main focus: foreign language, Ecology; 6) Tallinna Saksa Gümnaasium / Estonia - main focus: social and citizens' competence; 7) Gymnasium Torun / Poland - main focus: foreign language teaching; 8) Europaschule Bornheim, NRW, Germany - main focus: foreign language teaching and ICT; 9) Europaschule Mönchengladbach-Hardt, NRW, Germany - main focus: MINT/Ecology; 10) Europaschule Bergisch Gladbach-Paffrath, NRW, Germany - main focus: Mathematics, Natural Science, Technical and ICT- Knowledge Commercial enterprise: 10) Planpolitik, Berlin, Germany - main focus: development of simulation games concerning key competences. The project contains the following "milestones": 1) Analysis of schoolbooks and curricula, didactical publications etc. from different countries; 2) Development of a "treasure box" of methods including method-sheets for the chosen key competences; 3) Testing the chosen methods, analysing the results, evaluation and adaptation; 4) Designing the online-platform "MethQuest" - initially used as a tool for internal communication, yet in the course of the project process designed to increasingly serve as an open resource platform; 5) Development of a manual, a CD as well as additional information material about how to use the developed equipment in conferences, presentations and educational seminars or workshops; 6) Developing an eTwinning-project among the schools within the project on key competences; 7) Evaluation of the process and results of the project by an external university. In the course of the three-year-running time of the project, the partners will meet regularly in order to evaluate the progress and results of their work, and consequently adapt or change the methods applied. The final international dissemination conference of the results focusing on the use of the methods presented to an international and professional auditorium on the website "MethQuest" will take place in NRW/Germany and Brussels.
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10 Partners Participants