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Improving teaching Italian with and through Glottodrama, Multimedia & Technology
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vivere l’italiano Ltd., founded in 2009, is an Italian language and cultural school for adults based in London. The school's philosophy is to use methods which will increase the potential of learners, the vitality of the Italian language and the enjoyment of learning. For this, particular attention is devoted to the best existing emerging methodologies and advanced pedagogical practices. Since 2014 Vivere l'italiano has also been a teacher training centre which regularly organizes seminars, themed and bespoke workshops for their own tutors and external teachers. The project "Teaching Italian Through and with Glottodramma , Multimedia and Technology", complements and broadens a work path which Vivere l'italiano embarked and recently culminated in the creation of Vivere l'italiano Teacher's Training Centre. It will start with the training of two key role members of the staff in Glottodramma and Creating Multimedia Activities for Language Teaching Training. The participants are a language tutor specialised in teaching Italian as a L2 and LS with sound experience in the theatre field, and the Course Coordinator, a trainer specialised in teaching MACs (mixed ability classes) assisted by technology. Objectives, in the short and long term, of the project, which fit in with school's overall European Development Plan, are: 1) increasing knowledge and awareness of the teachers of how new tools and modern methodologies can be used in class to optimize the learning experience of the180 Vivere l'italiano students 2) cascading the activities and outcome through the training of our teachers 3) creating a network of international contacts 4) launching, within the existing Vivere l'italiano Teacher Training, a Glottodramma Training and Technology Enhanced Language Learning Departments (TELL). The results and impact envisaged can be summarised in: a) highly qualified and trained staff b) empowered learning for the school's students c) innovation and modernisation of Vivere l'italiano' s teaching methods and curricula d) a wider audience, from different background, of learners, trainees and teachers e) a network of international contacts. As part of this International strategy Vivere l'italiano would like to develop international collaborations with global universities, research institutes and organisations with the aim to modernise and globalise our curriculum and in order to better equip the school's students and staff to live and work in a globalised world f) The Glottodramma Training Dep. will be the first one in the UK of this type whilst TELL will specialise in training deployed both locally and at a distance or a as part of a blended approach (i.e. a combination of traditional and e-learning approaches). We envisage a very good response considering the vast number of people who could be reached at a local and international levels. Vivere l'italiano will be disseminating the results through its website, the school's networks (LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter), educational channels, reports and newsletters to relevant stakeholders and European and International language and theatre students, teachers and trainees.
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