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Improving skills and competences of cycling instructors for European territorial administrations
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The CycloVET concept was initially developed and submitted for the 2014 ERASMUS+ call for proposals. It received a positive evaluation and was placed first in the reserve list, being separated by half a grade from the selected list. In this year’s resubmission various aspects of the project were further refined to improve its consistency, relevance and impact. Most importantly: - The consortium composition was altered to better address the set objectives - Aspects of the proposal have been updated to reflect the comments and suggestions of the 2014 evaluation - Efforts to ensure support from relevant stakeholders have been increased, resulting in the collection of letters of support from 10 municipalities and 1 region. BACKGROUND AND NEEDS The share of European population using bicycles for commuting purposes has increased significantly (almost by 33% in the last decade according to Eurobarometer). This significant modal shift towards cycling in Europe is sporadically supported with provision of training for cyclists. In countries where systematic training is provided (e.g. Germany) cycling related injuries are declining and adoption growth rates are higher. This strong sectoral growth is hindered by the shortage of qualified cycling instructors and of the provision of corresponding VET skills. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT Obj1: Promote a common cross-border approach on the appropriate necessary skills and competences for cycling instructors; Obj2: Develop a coherent pedagogic methodology and elaboration of the appropriate training materials; Obj3: Design, develop and validate training materials, tools and game-based approaches to learning; Obj4: Develop a pilot examination scheme for certifying instructors; Obj5: Develop links between training programs for cycling instructors and the labour market, through their adoption and promotion by territorial public administrations; Obj6: Promote mutually accepted qualification of trainers’ skills in the ESCO. PARTICIPANTS -NTUA (GR) is specialised in urban mobility management, has capacity in designing and developing thematically relevant curricula and experience in managing EU funded research and cooperation projects. -TECLA (IT), a union of local and regional territorial administrations in Italy, acts as facilitator for the modernisation and change and has capacity in guiding, advising and mobilising local communes to foster the built up of their capabilities. -Graz (AT) is the second biggest Austrian municipality. It has extensive track record in implementing changes in urban mobility management and in accompanying such changes with adequate training and awareness actions. It has extensive European cooperation networks and experience in EU cooperation projects. -EXELIA (GR) brings capacity in developing innovative learning pedagogical methodologies, employing advanced training delivery methods and using technology enhanced learning as well as consulting expertise as regards issues of qualifications. -CI (UK) is a training provider specialised in cycling safety bringing accumulated experience and capacity in developing cycling training courses, designing and providing cycling training services and developing training material. PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND EXPECTED RESULTS The project will deliver 6 intellectual outputs implemented through a total of 11 activities and of 5 multiplier events (4 infodays, 1 “Day of the cyclist” event) and 1 train-the-trainer seminar (L/T/T activities). The expected results are: 1. Course Outline (O1). This output will develop a training course for cycling instructors including the pedagogic methodology for providing the skills and competences necessary to prospective cycling instructors; 2. Course Materials for trainers (O2, O3 & O4) and training qualified cycling instructors on the basis of the course outline (O1) 3. Resources for territorial public administrations to promote and facilitate training for cycling instructors and to integrate it into initiatives for local and regional development (O5). 4. Recommendations and endorsement for the integration of cycling instructors’ skills in ESCO. EXPECTED IMPACT Cycling instructors with acquired skills, competences and qualifications are required in the labour market. Investing in these skills will improve their employability and cross-border mobility. European territorial public authorities and VET providers will be able to train or recruit trained/qualified cycling instructors based on the project results. Partners NTUA, CI will increase own capabilities in providing training for cycling instructors. Partners GRAZ, TECLA will enhance quality in their services by increasing improved fit to job skills. Exelia will enhance and expand experience in training methodologies and tools. Overall out of an estimated 10.000-15.000 cycling instructors in Europe, at least 8000 will be reached and informed. At least 1000 will be mobilized to use, review and consult the project results.
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4 Partners Participants