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Improving skills across Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This is a project of student mobility for placements where foundations that make up the consortium mobility has launched this project work in the subsystem of vocational training for employment, which aims to promote and extend between companies and employed and unemployed workers training that meets their needs and contribute to the development of a knowledge-based economy. We understand training as a factor of development must meet professional expectations of workers and the needs of the labor market. According to Strategy Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment contemplated, measures of high short-term impact, extent of training programs aimed at obtaining certificates of professionalism, in order to improve employability, qualification and employability of young people. The members of this consortium have given priority in our training to the training modules linked to obtaining professional certificates offer. The 12 students who participated in the project are young people who have completed or have completed training modules aimed at obtaining certificates of professionalism. They have been unemployed youth who, in many cases, did not have a degree in the education system and that the certificate of professionalism has provided official accreditation of their professional skills that enabled them to have development work activity. The project has linked the training they have done in our centers with internships in companies in other European countries, particularly in Ireland, Italy and Portugal. These practices have enabled them to acquire or improve key skills that have increased their employability, facilitating their employment. Entities that have formed this consortium are part of the FOREM network. Training and Employment Foundation Miguel Escalera, FOREM was created in 1990 by the Confederal Executive Commission of CCOO, with the aim of developing from a professional structure, design, management and implementation of the plans and actions of training and guidance promoting professional all structures of the union. Since then, accompanying the development of the transfer of responsibility for active employment policies to the Autonomous Communities, FOREM has been transformed into a set of foundations with legal personality, that is when we talk about FOREM, therefore we are speaking not of a foundation, but a network of foundations that share goals and objectives and work together to provide workers across the country, both employed and unemployed, vocational training and guidance quality. The consortium has been coordinated by the Foundation Training and Employment Miguel Escalera, and participated Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid, Melilla and Navarra. Host organizations that have received the participants are: Eurocultura in Italy, IE Euroyouth partners in Ireland and in Portugal.
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5 Partners Participants