European Projects
Improving of Competencies and Competitiveness in I..
Improving of Competencies and Competitiveness in Internationalization process of FM sector through VET (ICC_VET)
Start date: Sep 1, 2016,
End date: Aug 31, 2018
In the framework of the European economy, that is showing alarming symptoms of recession, the Facility Management (FM) market seems to move sharply in the opposite direction, following a general growth trend and sometimes a strong one. The market of facility service in Europe is bursting with good health in those countries where the economy is almost stagnant as well. The worldwide facilities management (FM) outsourcing market is expected to grow across all markets, from North America and Europe to Latin America and Asia Pacific.. The market is not just expanding, however; it is evolving, with growing public- and private-sector demand for FM solutions that are both global and integrated. These changing demands require a new way of thinking about the delivery of FM services, as the industry transitions from having a single-service, local outsourcing model to providing integrated services delivered seamlessly to the customer on a national and even global scale.Considering the existing needs expressed by the FM market-side regarding new set of skills and competences for those working in the internationalization processes – carried out by European and international networks such as IFMA and EuroFM Coalition recently set up; the priorities set up by the New skills for New jobs Agenda “ Equipping people with the right skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow “ that helps to launch the priorities of EU2020 ; the barriers to the mobility in different national VET systems; VET providers, enterprises operating in the FM sector, representative organizations and sectoral trade unions with the support of public institutions (having regulatory competence on VET system) sustain together this Strategic Partnership formed by Confederación Empresarial de Sociedades Laborales de España-Spain,, Scuola Nazionale Servizi Foundation -Italy, and Scandinavian Peruvian Chamber of Commerce-Sweden and Diesis coop-Belgium The overall objective is to test in different European countries a coherent common VET curriculum and related pilot course for those working in the internationalization processes in the FM sector improving the chances of competing for the associated companies through improving skills knowledge and competences of their staff, providing them with tools that favor the recognition of their training at international level and offering them opportunities for mobility. This overall objective will be reached through the achievement of several specific objectives:- sign an open Memorandum of Understanding ECVET (MoU) to enforce the related professional perimeter among partners and stakeholders- design and deliver a VET pilot course to test the validated framework- define a set of learning and working tools corresponding both to the training needs expressed by the market/the target group and to the European framework (such as the MoU) in order to enforce the homogenization of the tools within the European borders.- disseminate at local, regional, national and European level the newThe project constitutes the first attempt to create and apply, by means of a transnational collaboration focused on the application of the European principles and tools for transparency and recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications, a VET professional qualification which will not only be recognised beyond the borders of the own specific VET systems and territorial qualification frameworks, but also that will be acquired by means of an innovative learning process, on the one hand, based on competences needed by the sectoral labour market rather than on knowledge, to be really developed through work based learning, virtual and physical mobility, open educational resources and virtual laboratories/workplaces adapted to labour market needs, with an assessment of learning outcomes conducted on related performances, and on the other hand, defined in terms of curriculum and VET courses design like a common European training standard.The results of the project in terms of Intelectual output are - European common VET curriculum for the new European common qualifications in Internationalisation Manager for the FM sector established by MoU ECVET- Design of the VET course for the new European common qualifications in International Manager for FM sector established by MoU ECVET-The project includes activities mobility to 30 participants.-The projects result will be presented in 3 National Events in Spain, Italy and Sweden and a final dissemination Conference in Belgium. The duration of the project is 24 monthsThe desired impact at from the local to the international level is a growing presence of SMEs in any productive sector in international markets, which would facilitate its consolidation and business survival through improving skills knowledge and competences of their staff, providing them with tools that favor the recognition of their training at international level and offering them opportunities for mobility