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Improving Competences in the European school of the future.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school has made great strides to become more international in recent years. A very small team of dedicated teachers supported by the directors, the provincial administration and most importantly by the students and parents, has put innumerable hours of their time into learning the intricacies of European projects, into promoting and achieving international exchanges, improving methodologies and language skills and in cementing solid relationships with schools in Italy, in the Czech Republic and other countries. Now other teachers and students are knocking at the door of Erasmus Plus because they want to know what a European school should be. They want the opportunity to become a flagship school in La Rioja of international cooperation. To have Czech and Italian students mingling with their Spanish friends who stayed at their homes, while taking English classes with a Polish assistant teacher about national holidays in Ireland… is becoming normal in our school, thanks to this project. Now we need to take it to the next stage. About 20 teachers from all levels of the school, from linguistic and non linguistic areas, at pre-primary, primary and secondary levels who are working to improve language skills and are implementing CLIL or training to do so want the opportunity to learn from people and places that they once knew so little about, but thanks to the exchange visits, to our collabotration in many ways and the willingness of our school to become more international ,these places now have names and faces and friendships attached. They will participate in many cultural activities, in order to teach what they know and to learn what they don´t. The methodology will be project based, to collaborate with their hosts and work together on a project, on a problem to be solved. To find these Best Practices – why do Czech students learn English so well? How do Italians motivate their students? What is European Unity in diversity? – is our goal. Once these teachers return, they won´t be alone. They will have experience, a greater linguistic ability, and a better, more active student centered methodology, a better vision and understanding of our neighbours in Europe and a more efficient way of disseminating it. They will use their classrooms, the staff rooms, the web, Twitter, ETwinning, blogs and the school newsletter to let everyone know what they did and what they got out of . But most importantly, they will come back energized and motivated, and that will infect their students and their colleagues.In the long run, we are convinced that our school can become a European school, and that this phase of involving as many teachers as possible in travel and training is the way to achieve these results. Erasmus Plus is truly a program that opens minds and changes lifes and our project is not a sporadic affair, but the beginning of a love affair with Europe.

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