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Improving Academia - Industry Links in Food Safety and Quality
Start date: Jan 15, 2010,

The project aims the creation of interface Centers - the FOOD LINKS Centers in seven universities in F.Y.R.O. Macedonia, Croatia and Serbia to support the establishment and promotion of long term partnership relations between Academia and Industry, in the area of food safety and food safety and quality management systems. This would be achieved making available to the food sector technical and scientific services that can contribute to the development of the industry and to strength its competitiveness in the direction of a future integration in the European Union in particularly in the area of food safety and quality. The FOOD LINKS Centers would be build has a network that are intended to share competences and resources between all the 7 FOOD LINKS Centers to be established. These Centers will be developed in order to be able to provide the following type of services in the area of food safety and food safety and quality management systems: i) Training and training contents to support in-room training in the companies; ii) Technical and scientific information (including legislation); iii) Technical services in the implementation of food safety and quality management systems according to international standards.The activities that are planned in this Joint Project have the aim of developing the competencees and the resources of the Partner Countries universities in order to, by the end of the project, they will be in condition of having all the necessary competences and resources to ensure the sustainability of the FOOD LINKS Centers. The activities that are considered are the following:Activity 1 - Development of training materials: Training manuals, Posters and VideosThe training contents to be produced have two main objectives: i) To support the development of training courses by the FOOD LINKS Center and ii) To provide the industry with training materials that can beused or accessed to provide internal training to their staff. Activity 2 - Development of training courses: In-room training courses and e-learning courses Two types of training courses will be considered: in-room training courses and e-learning training. The objective is to establish a base of courses in the area of food safety and food safety and qualitymanagement systems in the FOOD LINKS Center that can support training needs of the industry in these areas. The development of these two directions of training approaches has the objective to make available to industry to schemes of training that can be selected according to needs of training of the companies. 8 in-room training courses, 21 pilot training courses, 7 per each partner country, 3 e-learning training courses. Activity 3 - Training of academia and industry: It will be organised two types of training activities: seminars and training courses. The seminars areoriented more to the industry with the purpose of contributing for the approach between academia and industry. The seminars are designed to be short day actions, with the duration of 1 day. This type of action will address specific topics, mainly related with legislation, in food safety issues. 5 seminars will be organised. The training courses are actions with a longer duration that aim to provide a deeper understanding of the subjects and aim to train future trainers of the FOOD LINK Centers in the key areas of food safety and food safety and quality management systems. 5 training courses will be organised.Activity 4 - Pilots of implementation of food safety and quality management systems The purpose of this activity is to provide in-job training to the staff of the FOOD LINKS Centers in order to let them acquire the competences and experience in the implementation of food safety and qualitymanagement systems. 8 companies will be used as pilots in each Partner Country. Each one of the standards it will be implemented at least in one company per Partner Country.Activity 5 - Web-portal development
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