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Improvement of traffic and border crossing possibilities in Värska-Pechory monastery road (SAFE ROAD)
Start date: Feb 14, 2011, End date: Oct 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

South-East Estonia region and Pskov oblast are due to their geographical position strategically important regions for development of exchange of trade between Russian Federation and Estonia/EU using motor transport. Two regions are also playing important role in development of tourism sector acting as a gate between Russian Federation and Estonia/EU and having many tourism attractions on their own territories.Main problems:1)Poor condition of road infrastructure in South-East Estonia and Pskov oblast near Estonian-Russian border doesnt enable to use full potential of both regions in exchange of trade, culture, tourism and co-operation between local communities; 2)The condition of road from Värska to Koidula frontier point (17 km) doesnt satisfy the needs of increasing volume of goods haulage. The road is too narrow and there is a need for reconstruction of pavement; 3)The condition of 2,1 km long road from Kunichina Gora frontier point to Pechory monastery is in poor condition and needs extensive repairs. Now its very difficult to pass this part of the road even by car; 4)Traffic conditions for bicycles and foot passengers on the road are not safe; 5)There is no parking area for cars and trucks in Kunichina Gora frontier point. Cars and trucks are staying in waiting line along the road, which is a problem for traffic safety; 6)There is no appropriate parking area for tourist buses, which arrive at Pechory monastery and other tourism attractions (more than 120 000 visitors per year). Buses are staying at the side of the road, therefore the situation for tourists visiting the monastery is not safe;7)The tourism information is not sufficient and it needs to be improved, especially near of Pechory monastery and Kunichina Gora-Koidula frontier point. Objectives: 1)Improvement of traffic safety in Värska-Pechory monastery road for trucks,cars,bicycles and foot passengers; 2)Improvement of border crossing possibilities for all target groups,which enables to foster exchange of trade between Russian Federation and European Union; 3)Creation of better and safer possibilities for tourists and local inhabitants for traffic from South-East Estonia to Pechory district (and to Pskov region) and vice versa, including for bicyclists and foot passengers;4)Improvement of tourist information on Värska-Pechory monastery road; 5)Exchange of know-how and experiences in the fields of road safety, road maintenance and repair of main roads, basic and secondary roads and streets; 6)Creation of new cross-border networks between national, regional and local organizations for future co-operation in the fields of road safety, road maintenance and repair of roads. Achievements: 1) Faster and safer traffic possibilities created for trucks and cars in border areas of South-East Estonia and Pskov oblast - 17 km long road section renovated in Estonia and 2,1 km long road section renovated in city of Pechory according to international standards; 2) Safer traffic possibilities created for bicyclists and foot passengers in border areas of South-East Estonia and Pskov oblast- 1,6 km foot/cycle ways in Värska village; ca 0,3 km foot/cycle ways in Koidula border area; ca 2,1 km cycle ways and ca 2,1 km footways in city of Pechory; 3) Preconditions created for creation of modern infrastructure for trucks and cars near Kunichina Gora frontier point- technical documentation composed. 4) Safer infrastructure created for tourists visiting city of Pechory, incl. the Holy Dormition Pskovo-Pechorsky Monastery- ca 0,5 ha parking area for ca 20 tourism buses constructed in Pskovskaja street in city of Pechory; 5)Tourism information system improved in border areas of South-East Estonia and Pskov oblast- 4 banners with tourism map and information installed in Värska village, Koidula frontier point, Kunichina Gora frontier point and city of Pechory 6) Skills and knowledge of project partners and other organizations from the region working with road maintenance and construction improved through 4 joint seminars and trainings in the fields of traffic safety, road maintenance and construction. 7) New cross-border cooperation network created involving organizations from Pskov oblast and South-Estonia working with traffic safety, road maintenance and construction.

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  • 80%   4 699 999,50
  • 2007 - 2013 Estonia-Latvia-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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3 Partners Participants