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Improvement of skills in the green economy through an advanced training program Cradle to Cradle
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Energy efficiency, climate and environmental protection are crucial objectives of the EU and likewise of considerable and growing importance to the economy of the member states. SMEs can make crucial contributions to the achievement of objectives and at the same time strengthen their competitiveness, develop new market segments and create jobs on a large scale. Cradle to Cradle (C2C) is a promising and innovative method of circular economy with 100% recycling rate, which corresponds to the objectives of policy and business particularly. C2C has been successfully employed by individual large enterprises; over 1,500 C2C products have already proven themselves in the market. In SMEs are currently no knowledge of the C2C application. Therefore, further trainings are being developed that eliminate the deficit of knowledge and apply to the specific conditions of SMEs. Lead Partner is the Hanse-Parlament, an umbrella organisation of 50 chambers of commerce/crafts from 13 countries. In 2010 the Hanse-Parlament established the Baltic Sea Academy, an association of 17 universities from 9 countries that focus on promotion of innovation and qualification for SMEs. The 50 chambers and 17 universities will be integrated as associated partners in the project and disseminate the results on a wide basis. Core partner is the research centre “Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency“, that develops C2C and is expert for the very basis of any further training in this field. Further project partner are three chambers with their educational institutions from Germany, Poland and Hungary, and an university from Finland as well as a public education administration from Poland, that introduce the needs of SMEs, test the developments and participate in the transfer. A train-the-trainer program addresses universities and chambers, that can then inform SMEs in their regions and impart qualifications and support C2C applications in the firms. Thus, constantly qualified instructors and consultants for the Development of C2C application in SMEs are available. The second course is aimed at SMEs and their employees who get knowledge and skills in an interactive, multi-stage process and C2C train the application in the enterprise. The developed further trainings will be practically tested in Germany, Poland and Hungary and subsequently transferred to 50 chambers and 17 universities from 13 countries, who receive constant advice for the sustainable implementation. As further results two curricula with application guidelines, teaching materials, etc. as well as a manual with C2C concepts for SMEs in multilingual form are produced. SMEs will be qualified on a very broad base in all countries, so they utilize this innovative C2C processes in production, marketing and sales permanently, are successful in their business and make important contributions to the European energy and environmental policy.

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