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Improvement of Practical Training in Agriculture by means of ECVET Implementation
Start date: Dec 15, 2016, End date: Dec 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is focused on the secondary school and college students and the teachers who teach special subjects in English.The training abroad represents the continuation and extension of special practical education which forms an integral part of the studies.Our school places an emphasis on the quality of practical training and the teaching of foreign languages including special terminology related to the branch of studies.We also teach several chosen subjects in English,which is not common in comparable secondary schools and colleges within the Czech Rep.Thanks to the grants from Mobility program. we have had excellent, long term experience in realization of the practical trainings abroad.The continuous strive to improve all aspects of our practical training led us to the decision to implement the principles of ECVET into all of the training processes.We carefully select the participants with the best study achievements,who are most interested in the branch of studies and have good language skills.The Secondary School pupils who study the 3rd class of these branches of studies:Business Management in Agriculture focused on Agricultural Enterprise,Machinery in Agriculture,and Equine Studies, Horticulture specializing in Garden Design and Golf Course Maintenance,Veterinary Care,specializing in Veterinary Technicians and Pet Specialists and the Science Lycée will perform their 30 – day practical training on farms in GB, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Luxembourg in the summer (during the harvest).College students who study the Agricultural Enterprise branch will carry out their 20-week practical training in GB, Norway, Austria and Denmark, during their 2nd year of studies in the period from April till August (from May to September) to comprise the main part of vegetation of crops.The placement of the trainees will be undertaken by the coordinators from our partner schools in collaboration with our international coordinator.The farms will be carefully selected according to the branch of studies,the trainees´ interests and the desired outcomes of learning units. he coordinators from our partner schools will then supply receiving org. with the conditions and aims of training,will provide in co-operation with them appropriate accommodation and meals,mentoring and tutoring of the trainees,and also their cultural programme.They will regularly monitor the trainees either in person or by phone,checking the quality and keeping the terms,and performance of the training aims.Before the training finishes receiving organizations will assess the learning outcomes on the base of predefined procedures and criteria.The sending org. will guarantee preparatory practical and language training focused on the concrete placement of the participant.Our Coordinator will regularly monitor all trainees by e-mail or phone,and will visit and observe the training on some of the farms. The findings of the observations will be evaluated and utilized for the preparation of the following year's practical training.The aims of the practical training: to practise and strengthen knowledge obtained during school studies,to get new specialist skills,and also to get to know the socio–cultural environment of the country.The trainees will be able to apply the innovative knowledge and experience from special agricultural practice in their future occupation or business.New socio-cultural experiences from a different region will contribute to a positive perception of European unification.The trainees will be more competitive and will have better opportunities to find work either in our country, or abroad.An increase in responsibility and improved individual decision making also belong to the benefits of training abroad.The trainees will keep a diary of the training with a detailed description of their activities.They will create a working portfolio summarizing the training from special agricultural aspects and make a PC presentation.The school executive staff and teachers of practical training will evaluate the outcomes of all learning units,the completion of training aims,diaries and presentations.The trainees will obtain a confirmed portfolio and the Europass Mobility,attesting to the completion of practical training abroad,including the realized outcomes of learning units,signed and confirmed by the receiving organization.The quality of the defined learning units will be implemented into the curriculum.We will realize three trainings of the teachers. They will stay for two weeks in a British partner school,,which is focused on the agricultural education.The participants of the trainee-ship will get new teaching experience by shadowing their British colleagues; they will learn modern teaching methods and participate in lessons.The benefits include increasing the teacher´s competences, improving the quality of education in our school, using new, innovative methods, ways and forms of teaching, and discovering and using new teaching aids and technologies.

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