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Improvement of cross-border communication between Szentes and Dumbravita through Wireless Fidelity system (WiFi)
Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Feb 27, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The projects aim is the improvement of the access to information of the communities in the geographic area covered by the project: Szentes and Dumbravita, by implementing an infrastructure for Internet services (WiFi and kiosk) and bilingual information services which can be extended later to larger areas. The general objective of the project is the improvement of cross-border communication by creating informational points and organizing multimedia trainings. Within the framework of the project there have been organized joint trainings on the usage of the new technical devices, for participants coming both from Hungary and Romania.Info Points – 3 in Szentes and 1 in Dumbravita – have be placed in the public space, providing bilingual information as well as information regarding the neighbour locality. Another important element with cross-border influences is the web site created by means of the project. By accessing the joint site of the localities all the people who are interested have the opportunity to see images from these localities, provided by the cameras installed in the different parts of the localities. Furthermore, they also have the possibility to access the cultural, economic and tourist information of the two localities.The projects target group is composed of the participants in the informative courses organized both locally and in joint actions, young and older people, teachers and representatives of local institutions and organizations. The indirect beneficiaries are represented by the local communities of the two localities included in the project
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  • 85%   46 761,05
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants