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Improvement of competitiveness of SMEs and watertourism regions by innovative strategies and technologies (WaterTour)
Start date: Jun 30, 2004, End date: Jun 29, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

WaterTour targets SMEs and other community groups in order to identify and develop new quality tourism products and enhance and promote the existing services like boat cruising, rental stations for house boats and canoes, fishing facilities etc. An additional focus is the development of cluster tourism connecting waterside and landside tourism activities. This includes the establishment of guided nature trails and tourist routes along the rivers. The environmental aspect is taken into consideration by developing a Code of Good Behaviour for protected areas along waterways. The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the economic situation and competitiveness of the participating regions by developing strategies and methods for optimal utilisation of tourism potential along waterways. Achievements: First application process 2003: - several meetings with responsible stakeholders and the Regional Tourism Board Vorpommern starting in Summer 2002, internet research, contacting possible partners - participation in the partner search forum in Vienne in May 2003 (Vorpommern, Ireland, Portuga, Hungary, Finland), presentation of the project by Vorpommern, first cooperation talks between potential partners - negotiation of partnership between Vorpommern, Ireland, Portuga, Hungary, Finland within the programme - organisation and implementation of a project partner meeting in Berlin in July 2003: participation of Vorpommern, Ireland, Hungary, Finland (Portugal could not take part) - detailed project planning, structure, task sharing, budget and project components etc. preparation of the application form by the leadpartner, circulation to all partners: - presentation at the JTS North Rostock, discussing details - continious contact with all project partners in terms of the budget and the application form - project partners supporting Leadpartner with information - each partner is presenting the project propsal in its region and promoting idea to different regional stakeholder Second application process 2004: - evaluation and discussion of the evaluation sheet of the JTS Rostock North on the application form - participation of all partners in the partner search forum in Berlin: project partner meeting for Watertour Partners prepared the application for the call in January 2004: - specify the application to the specific conditions of the different regions - crating of regional partnershops of stakeholders and including them in the application form - compiling and submitting the application form again by the Leadpartner - All partners supported the process with the necessary information and documents.
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  • 66%   535 976,06
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC North
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants