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Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The SWOT analysis carried on during the Teacher Council was the starting point for a series of new and important issues which our school has dealt with lately. First, the requirements addressed to the school have been higher and higher, from the pupils` parents, the hierarchically superior institutions, as well as the local authorities. Secondly, the ones who put pressure on the organization and performance of the educational activities, are in fact less and less interested in the school institution. This situation has brought unpleasant changes in the school organizational culture. As we all know, the direct beneficiaries of the school accomplishments are the pupils. Many of them are no longer motivated to work and play together. Their competence and performance consist of their personal belongings: the latest I-phones, gadgets and fashionable clothes. Those who cannot afford these things, are despised and humiliated. An increasing number of pupils gather in groups, where they smoke, drink alcohol, curse and have no consideration for the traditional values. They get bored at school and become more and more violent. Therefore, solutions must be found to prevent the negative feedbacks and to educate these pupils. Nowadays, the entire responsibility for finding these solutions lies on the teachers` shoulders. However, the state seldom provides them with financial support for their training courses, so that they could adapt to the more profound and quicker changes in the educational system. These courses represent a `must` for the teachers, who strive to improve their teaching methods, so that the school activities could become more attractive and interesting for the pupils. Moreover, the teachers are no more a compact group, as their alienation derives from the frequent changes in the school legislation. These changes bring confusion, panic and uncertainty among the teaching staff and resistance against any changes in the system. This background causes us a lot of difficulties in coping with the new requirements. We need the chance to experiment educational alternatives, but we find no support from those who should be our partners and not our enemies in the education process. All these discontents made us come up with the present project. Thus, it responds to the teachers` needs: to diversify and modernize the work methods and strategies, as well as to diversify the educational offer, so that we could become more communicatively efficient with our pupils. The project team consists of ten members ( including our headmistress), who are teachers of different subjects and our objectives are:- finding out and practicing certain strategies, methods and work techniques which are successful in other educational systems; - finding out and comparing the legislative educational systems from different countries in order to understand the functioning mechanisms of the performant education in some European countries; - competence formation in thinking out the work instruments and techniques that could stimulate parents and pupils` interest in school, in order to create a real partnership between school, family and society in education; - competence formation in elaborating work strategies that can improve the human interactions(pupil-pupil, pupil-teacher, parent-teacher, teacher-teacher); - development of key competences, both civic and interpersonal on the project team level and later, on the whole teaching staff; - development of social and cultural competences, as a premise for sustainable relationships of cooperation and friendship with the project partners, and for possible future projects with them; In order to valorize the training courses, we will accomplish the following activities: - an offer for accomplishing a teacher training programme,(with Teacher Training Department); - a mini-programme for School Decision Curriculum on the discussed issues; - `The Educative Caravan`(school partnership in town/county, to practice with a larger number of pupils, teachers and parents the work methods and techniques acquired throughout the mobility; - The weekend club for pupils and a summer school for a group of 30-50 pupils, for at least three weeks; - A magazine/booklet with good practice activities, after maximum one year since the end of the mobility; Each team member will accomplish individually: - At least three activities on the themes discussed in the mobility, during a school term ( one with the pupils, one with their parents and the last, in partnership with another school); - At least one article published in the local media or on line, during a year since the end of the mobility; - At least five activities at the summer school and monthly activity at the weekend club; - Participation in a symposium/communication session on specific educational issues. Thus, it is possible for us to contribute to the change of the educational paradigm, at least in our school, and to the development of the organizational culture.
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