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" Impossible is nothing."- Technicy z kartuskiego Wzgórza zdobywają europejskie doświadczenie.
Start date: Dec 19, 2014, End date: Dec 18, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The beneficiaries of the project will be 48 students of Complex of Vocational and Grammar Schools in Kartuzy, who study in Technical School of Advertisement, Technical School of Economy, Technical School of Information Technology and Technical School of Commerce. They will fulfill their recruitment duties and leave for their two week workplacement to international partners of our school , that is Tellus Plymouth, England and Lycée Professionnel Jean Capelle in Bergerac, France. The choice of partners is based on our earlier, greatly positive experience, related to the realization of international projects. Group A are 12 students of the third year of Technical School of Advertisement, who will leave for their workplacement in September 2015, to Bergerac, in France. Group B are 16 students of the third year of Technical School of Information Technology, who will leave to Plymouth, in October 2015. The last group, group C, are 16 students of the third year of Technical School of Economy and 4 students of the third year of Technical School of Commerce, who will also go to Plymouth, England, in March 2016 Apart from doing their apprenticeship, students will create their final products, such as an instruction manual concerning the set- up of computer equipment, business plan of a company and a flyer concerning marketing strategy of a company. All these products can be used during educational classes at school and outside. The programmes of workplacement were prepared according to our local market requirements, and are compatible with the school curriculum and the programme of teaching. In many cases, our students come from rural background, very often from families with a lower economic status, that is why, leaving for apprenticeship is so crucial for them. It could be their first step to change their life, to become more active and motivated. It should be also mentioned, that students from our technical school often gain very good and good results in learning, they are communicative in English. Their knowledge of vocational subjects is on a good and very good level, what they prove by participating in many competitions, tournaments and olympics. Our previous experience show, that leaving for the apprenticeship, influences the students in a positive way. It also improves te image of sending ogranization. Each participant will get a certificate of attendance and Europass mobility, which not only confirm participants’ vocational skills and experience gained, but they can also allow students obtain a job, not only on local but also European market. Thanks to all issues mentioned above, the perception of a Polish person abroad may change , and trainees may become more self- confident when looking for a job. It is a good opportunity for students to gain key competences, such as creativity, resourcefulness or being initiative. To overcome their mental obstacles arising from the fact, that they live in countryside or in small towns.

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