European Projects
Implementing cooperation on Future Internet and IC.. (FIRST)
Implementing cooperation on Future Internet and ICT Components between Europe and Latin America
Start date: Jan 1, 2010,
End date: Dec 31, 2011
FIRST is a Support Action that intends to foster International Cooperation in the areas of Future Internet and ICT Components and systems between Europe and Latin America.The aim of the project is to extend the constituency of European Technology Platforms (ETPs) to Latin American strategic stakeholders from the different sectors included in the Future Internet field.The extension of the ETPs constituencies to be performed by FIRST will include, at least, the following activities:- - Identification of key stakeholders, that prove to be best suited to launch and run Technology Platforms in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico; preliminary studies in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama and Uruguay) including representatives from industrial (large companies and SMEs) and academic sectors.- - Analysis of potential areas of cooperation between Europe and Latin America at national (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico, as well as preliminary studies in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama and Uruguay) and Regional levels. This analysis will use ETPs thematic areas as an organizational model, but will not limit cooperation to these areas. - Promotion and support to the creation of Technology Platforms in Latin America at a national level in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico, including the production of both organizational documents (governance, structure, etc.) and technical documents (Vision, Strategic Research Agenda). - Creation of a Regional Strategy for EU-LatAm cooperation in the field of Future Internet by compiling the different national strategies developed at a national level in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico, - Liaising Latin American Technology Platforms with European counterparts, as well as providing periodic information to other relevant organizations such as European Commission, National Member States initiatives on Future Internet, FIRE, FIA, FIF, etc. - Increasing awareness on the potentialities for cooperation in the field of Future Internet between Europe and Latin America..In March 2014 we have an amendment to change the coordinator as it was necessary for the commission to terminate the participation of Rose Vision, with effect from July 2013, prior to the formal conclusion the contract and the administration of the final payments. Accordingly, the consortium was obliged to appoint a new coordinator, Eurescom, in order to complete the administrative work and distribute the final payments. The project has already ended and had completed all its technical work and successfully submitted all deliverables under the Rose Vision leadership.