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Implementation NLQF
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The NLQF is a new way of describing of Dutch qualifications levels. The framework consists of an Entry Level followed by 8 levels. Level 1 being the least complex and Level 8 the most complex. The NLQF aims to facilitate labour market and student mobility by providing an insight into the levels of all qualifications recorded by the National Coordination Point NLQF.The NLQF is a systematic arrangement of all existing qualifications in the Netherlands, resting on two pillars. The first is qualifications regulated by the public sector (the Ministries of Education, Culture and Science and the Ministry of Economic Affairs). The second pillar is ‘other qualifications’ or non-formal qualifications, notably those awarded by the private sector outside the formal system and related to the labour market. These often have a strong ‘qualifying’ power in the labour market and their inclusion in the NLQF is expected to increase their visibility and further strengthen their value. The inclusion and classification of these qualifications will take place at the request of the bodies responsible for awarding the diplomas and certificates; often this is also the body which provides the learning programme leading to the qualification. The strong emphasis on the double character of the national qualifications system – where private and public providers interact and supplement each other – is an important defining feature of the NLQF.The challenges for the NLQF in 2016 are:• To get more support from employers and employees, institutes for education in formal and non formal learning. • the communication process for a wider public• To improve continuously our processes and procedures for validation and classification. • To connect the three instruments of validation: NLQF, ECVET and RPL (validation)• Monitoring how the implementation process develops.• Qualifications regulated by the government * Cooperation with Euroguidance and Europass
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