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Implementatie "Idea Store"
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is a double project. In the first place we like to improve the languagecourses for labourmigrants and refugees. The Norwegian methods and practices will be leading. In our region there are some 30.000 Polish workers. Our regional council has ordered us to contribute to the wellness and the integration of the Polish workers. So we have started a Polish library in Maasbree. We have 5000 books on stock, we offer language courses on different levels en we give advice and help when there are problems with employers, translation of forms etc. We also offer workshops. Second we are working on the "Huis van de Gemeente", a combination of a public library and the townhall with all the services integrated. The idea of the "Idea Stores" in the Tower Hamlets in Londen (UK) is leading. The original principles originate from Norway. We will provide a "one stop shop" so that the civilians can go to one building where they will find anathing they need to participate in the community. The main principle is that of the life long learning.
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