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Implementacija informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u nastavi
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We have decided to participate in mobility through Erasmus+ because of the specific needs of our school. Primary school Grigor Vitez from Zagreb is the only school in the Republic of Croatia with special needs students. Some of the 130 students with special needs are integrated into regular classes. Our school also educates students who are members of ethnic minorities. In recent years we have noticed that some students acquire basic knowledge on a lower level than expected and as a result some of them leave school. The possibility of using e-textbooks in class opens an entirely new level of teaching with the help of new technologies. The introduction of the Internet in classrooms and the use of computers, tablets, and other information and communication technologies requires new knowledge and competence of teachers. After a thorough selection of project participants through surveys and motivation talks, we have chosen eight participants - teachers who teach both regular students and students with special needs. Selected participants are teachers of Croatian, English, Science, Mathematics, Computer science and the school librarian. They are experts in education and rehabilitation that work individually or in groups with special needs children with varying etiologies. All eight participants involved in the mobility programme opted for different courses that will improve they’re ICT competence in the subjects that they teach. Selected courses allow teachers to quickly become computer literate, confident and competent enough to create interactive classes. Participants are active members of the eTwinning portal. Using the benefits of the project on lifelong learning, we also support the European dimension in education. The participation in individual mobility will be confirmed by the Europass mobility certificates and certificates of participation in mobility in particular EU countries from appropriate schools. The use of ICT in teaching will provide the possibility of greater independence in learning during class. We see the extreme importance for students who have difficulty holding the pen, students with CP (cerebral palsy), visually impaired students and students with disorders of attention and concentration, as well as in work with talented students. The usage of ICT’s in class motivates students to increase the level of basic knowledge. New skills and experiences will affect students to get rid of frustration during the education process and will reduce the risk of prematurely leaving school. During and after the project we will inform our colleagues about the school project and will disseminate new knowledge and experiences through presentations, workshops and lectures at meetings in the stuff room and the Teachers’ Council. Information about the project, its objectives, the implementation and the impact on our school and evaluation of the project will be published on a special board in the staff room of the school and on the board for students and parents. We will also inform about individual mobility and the project on the school website, in the school newspaper and on parent-teacher conferences. We will inform the Association that operates in our school so that they can be co-workers in our future project. We will participate in radio broadcasts and on television shows that deal with improving the educational process. The results of our participation in the Erasmus+ programme will be shared with colleagues from other countries through eTwinning and other online portals and social networks. In the end we want to emphasize that because children learn differently we are obligated to teach them differently, and we know that using our new skills and competences will be one step closer in doing it.

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