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Impact Producers Lab
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Impact Producers Lab is a natural development out of the global Good Pitch programme, which is a series of unique live events devised and organised by BRITDOC and hosted in different cities across North America and Europe. Good Pitch has established itself as a productive hub connecting documentary filmmakers with new kinds of partners from across civil society, offering new funding and distribution opportunities to reach larger European and international audiences. There is no other structured activity like the Impact Producers Lab anywhere in the world to specifically train Impact Producers to take film campaigns from strategy through to planning, budgeting, fundraising through to execution and evaluation. With the goal to create real, lasting social impact. This is not classroom teaching but highly interactive and participatory combining keynote presentations with discussions, teamwork and group analysis of case studies. All participants will be send required pre-reading and films to watch before the Lab begins. At the Impact Producers Lab we train Impact Producers to do the following:* Strategy – identifying appropriate scope and change goals, theory of change, assess strength and weaknesses* Planning – detailed bespoke plan for the film outreach and audience engagement strategy, including PR & social media and how this works with/around the distribution timeline* Budgeting – devise realistic cost for short and long term impact work* Fundraising – identifying potential funders for outreach and audience engagement (traditional and non-traditional funders), knowing how to apply and what different funders want* Execution – responsible for internal team building, execution of external partnerships and including online activity and live event* Evaluation – choose or invent the most appropriate way to measure and report impact achieved – on public, political, legal, and corporate levels

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