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Immigrant-friendly vocational education
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of this project is an "Immigrant-friendly vocational education". Several factors lead to this project: First of all, the unemployment rate in our region is relatively low with 2.8%. As a result we have a lack of skilled workers, which is and could be compensated by immigrants. At the same time, the BS WM has a regional orientation, which needs to evolve with this first EU-project towards a more international perspective in order to secure the state as a center of excellence. In addition, in 2013 classes for asylum-seekers and refugees have been established, to provide a vocational preparation for those people. But also in "normal" classes the number of students with only short periods of stay in Germany (e.g. from Syria, Iran, Sierra Leone, etc.) is increasing. The aim of the project is to provide for the participating teachers better ways to adapt their education work to suit the specific needs of immigrants. This includes the ability to recognize and adapt immigration-related barriers. The goal of this KA 1 project is primarily to design a successing KA 1 or KA 2 project, which develops best practices for a better professional integration of immigrants. Within this successing project also a mobility for selected students is planned to enhance their intercultural competence and to integrate them in the process of the best practice development. As partner schools only professional schools were selected, which have comparable departments and education levels. By this selection, we hope to simplify the gathering of direct experience. Furthermore, regions were selected that have a strong intercultural competence and are relevant to our region as a migration country of origin. In particular the Vocational School 2 (ZS 2) in Sanok Poland is situated 30 km from the Ukrainian and Slovak borders and is therefore a multicultural dominated region for ages. The second school is the school center from EK and 1 EPAL in Kavala northern Greece. This school has increasingly students with Bulgarian, Romanian, Turkish or Russian origin and developed numerous extracurricular activities to support integration. Finally, the pre-employment Salesian school Cartagena, Spain was selected: in our neighboring vocational school a separate class for Spanish apprentices was established for the hospitality industry. Several guilds of other industries are interested in the adaption of this approach with Spanish apprentices, which could be relevant for our education approach and course offering. The participants of this project are teachers of the BS WM, especially teachers who have already gained some experience with immigrants (e.g. in classes for asylum-seekers and refugees). The project is managed by a BS WM teacher who has an immigrant background by himself. Before he became teacher, he worked from 1998 to 2003 in numerous Europe-wide projects for authorities, mainly in the domain of project management. The planning and evaluation of the project will be based on MOUs according ECVET. At the beginning of each visit a kickoff workshop is planned, followed by a instruction regarding the regional education systems with a comparison to the German approach according to the EQF. At the core of the project, teachers experience the cultural diversity and aspects as well as obstacles of integration from the perspective of the regions and the schools. In addition, the design of the following project will take place. The results of the project initially will be used at the BS WM to improve the education and teaching approach for immigrants. In addition the regional public will be informed in order to enhance an immigrant-friendly climate. The regional labor market should be involved in follow-up activities to provide opportunities highly skilled jobs for migrants with an adequate approach of education. In addition, a multiplication towards other schools, which also educate immigrants in a vocational context is planned.
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3 Partners Participants